Barbecue ( Discuss barbecue and grilling--southern style "low and slow" smoking of ribs, shoulders and briskets, as well as direct heat grilling of everything from burgers to salmon to vegetables.

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  #81 (permalink)   Report Post  
Thomas Mooney
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

Ol' Hippie > wrote in message
<snip advice for my conscience which has bigger concerns to worry about>
> Heard from Dave B lately?

I have not heard from Dave since he posted on this NG after his discharge.
I sent him a quick note by snail-mail just the other day. But I realize his
plate's pretty full and won't be surprised or disappointed if I don't get a


Note: Spam-resistant e-mail address

  #82 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Fat Man®
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

Kevin S. Wilson wrote:

> But if you do that, how will I tell you both that YHBT, YHL, HAND?

****erhead, never ever call anyone sophomoric again in one of your replies.
I think it's pretty much clear who the child is in this cyber-conversation.

BTW, sling yer Google shit on me for 40 years back proving that you've never
used "sophomoric" in a post. I don't give a shit. Everybody else gets the
point......maybe it's time you caught on.

Love ya man,

  #83 (permalink)   Report Post  
Kevin S. Wilson
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 00:33:40 GMT, "The Fat Man®"
> wrote:

>Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
>> But if you do that, how will I tell you both that YHBT, YHL, HAND?

>****erhead, never ever call anyone sophomoric again in one of your replies.
>I think it's pretty much clear who the child is in this cyber-conversation.

A newsflash: Trolling is silly and childish. Does that hook in your
mouth cause you to point out the obvious? Some of us like trolling
precisely because it's silly and childish.

And it's even more fun when those who get hooked start to froth at the
mouth, as you're doing now, over something that is little more than a
practical joke.

Kevin S. Wilson
Tech Writer at a University Somewhere in Idaho
"Who put these fingerprints on my imagination?"
  #84 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Fat Man®
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 00:33:40 GMT, "The Fat Man®"
> > wrote:
>> Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
>>> But if you do that, how will I tell you both that YHBT, YHL, HAND?

>> ****erhead, never ever call anyone sophomoric again in one of your
>> replies. I think it's pretty much clear who the child is in this
>> cyber-conversation.

> A newsflash: Trolling is silly and childish. Does that hook in your
> mouth cause you to point out the obvious? Some of us like trolling
> precisely because it's silly and childish.
> And it's even more fun when those who get hooked start to froth at the
> mouth, as you're doing now, over something that is little more than a
> practical joke.

Biatch, you froth at the mouth constantly about nothing. Why is it you even
feel you're needed or wanted in this NG?

You've been dubbed the "gatekeeper" by some, but you're doing such a poor
job of that as to be ineffectual.

I'm just asking you to get a ****ing grip on reality, realize *everybody*
despises you, and move on to your next level of terrorism.

I'm not frothing as I type this, but I suspect you *will* be as you read it.
That's your first clue. You're overly attached emotionally to what people
type. Back to square 1, get a grip.

Maybe some Prozac or Paxil would be of use to you.

Buh-bye now,

  #85 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

They don't celebrate Thanksgiving. The most similar holiday in Canada
> would be Boxer Day. Something to do with the Boxer Rebellion, if I
> understand correctly.

Kevin S. Wilson

*Boxing* Day, you dolt.

  #86 (permalink)   Report Post  
Brian Baresch
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

>You're overly attached emotionally to what people
>type. Back to square 1, get a grip.

Paging Mr. Kettle, paging Mr. Kettle, Mr. Pot on line 1.

Brian P. Baresch
Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Professional editing and proofreading

If you're going through hell, keep going. --Winston Churchill
  #87 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 18:14:52 -0800, "Duwop" >
> wrote:
> "Trolling for trolls"? That makes no sense.

Well I suppose that's why you're a technical writer.

> Trolling is a practical joke, generally played on people who take
> Usenet just a Little Too Seriously (tm). Does trolling invoke flames?
> Sure, sometimes, but they're funny to those who know what's going on.
> Try posting to a Star Wars newsgroup that the T in "Captain John T.
> Kirk" stands for "Tiberius" and see the wacky hilarity that ensues.

Thank you very much for the self justification for you ****ing with this NG.
We HAD a nice little corner left here until YOU ****ed things up.
Yeah, you Kevin, ever since your little tirade against TFM when you first
started x-posting the signal to noice ratio has fallen badly. THANKS KEVIN!
Kevin, Miles is a better AFB netizen than you, he's had fewer OT posts since
he's come here and at least he doesn't cross post flame-bait. Think about
It's a wonder that you cross post those posts that show you at your very
worst, why do you x-post only those posts that show yourself as a rabid
spastic flamer?
Is that really what you are most proud of and want propogated across the
net? And what do you have against AFB that you are trying to get it to turn
into the flame ridden quagmire that RFC has become?

Do you think if you took a poll of the regular members here that they would
approve of x-posting, trolls or flame wars?

Thanks again for screwing this NG up KEVIN, if you can learn some self
control and take your bile somewhere else AFB might be able to normalize
after a while.

> I need an excuse? Hell, I don't even need a reason. This is Usenet,
> and trolling is a time-honored tradition in Usenet culture. You don't
> like it? Find a way to cope.

Kevin, I only see more self justification for the meanness you've done to
the people here. What did these people do to you for you to treat them like

> First "smartass." Now "arrogant." Should I toss in a hearty "**** you"
> just keep things even?

Kevin, this post was originally intended to be a profanitiy laced tirade. I
hope that simple bit of info informs you of my anger at what you've done to
That I've changed it is because I'm not completely certain you are aware of
the damage you are doing, and hope you will change, at least here at any
rate, don't care how you conduct yourself elsewhere.

BTW Kev? You are the very last person here who should be chastising anybody
on taking themselves too seriously.


  #88 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

Mark Shaw wrote:
> I have had an extremely ****ed-up year, and have very little to
> be thankful for. I'm certainly not going to invite anyone over
> and put out a Thanksgiving spread, but I don't really want to go
> out anywhere, either -- any suggestions?
> I'm serious. This is the first holiday season of my life that
> I'd be happiest just skipping. Going into a coma until New Year's
> Day would be ideal, but I don't know how to arrange that.
> I thought of something along the lines of running off to Vegas, but
> I have an elderly dog at home and no sitter for her, so I have to
> stay in the Dallas area.
> I don't want any sympathy, either. I'm not looking for anyone to
> blow any sunshine up my dress; everybody has good times and bad
> times during their lives. This is just one of those bad times for
> me and I'm wondering if anyone has any appropriate suggestions for
> the holidays, food-and-celebration-wise.
> Thanks.
> Note: this was crossposted to dfw.eats,, and
> I've set followups to, because
> it's the most general of the three -- and I suspect others out
> there may also benefit from the responses.

[Cross-posting deleted.]
Buy a cornish game hen, split it in half, brush it with melted butter
seasoned with sage and ground rosemary and grill it on the Weber... and hope
it doesn't rain!

Bake your stuffing, hopefully made from leftover cornbread baked in a cast
iron skillet, in a bread pan at about 350F. Here's where you can liven up
your stuffing: add some cooked wild rice, or browned sausage, or chopped

Steam whatever veggie you like (I prefer at this time of year some sort of
squash and in fact you can grill acorn squash and start it before you add
the hens; brush cut squash with butter, season with salt & pepper; place cut
side down on the grill and cook about 30 minutes.

Heat up some rolls, if you so desire, or perhaps some Garlic Texas Toast.

Now, you have to get all dressed up to eat your fancy meal... NOT! Put on
some sweats but please have on clean underwear


  #89 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

"jmcquown" > wrote:
> Mark Shaw wrote:
> > [ . . . ]I'm wondering if anyone has any appropriate suggestions for
> > the holidays, food-and-celebration-wise.

> [Cross-posting deleted.]

Good move.

> Buy a cornish game hen, [ the rest of a great sounding meal snipped]
> []please have on clean underwear

Jill, he's alone with his dog. He doesn't need ANY underwear. You girls!!!

Other than that, nice to see a meaningful on-topic post. ;~)

Nick, Retired in the San Fernando Valley
"Giving violent criminals a government guarantee that their intended
victims are defenseless is bad public policy."
- John Ross, "Unintended Consequences"
  #91 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

Brian Baresch wrote:
>> I don't know about where anyone else lives, but the soup kitchens I
>> know of have to turn away volunteers on the holidays, too many people
>> show up.

> Yep, then the other 363 days of the year they're scrambling for help.

Soup kitchens and food banks also scramble outside of the holiday seasons.
This is why I make it a point to remind everyone, at least 4 times a year,
to make donations and do what you can. When we take off work for
President's Day in February, people are still hungy. Take off for July 4th
in the States, enjoy a BBQ or cookout, people are still hungry. Take off
for Labor Day, people are still hungry. DONATE! If you can't volunteer
your time for one reason or another, give food. I do.


  #92 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Fat Man®
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

Brian Baresch wrote:
>> You're overly attached emotionally to what people
>> type. Back to square 1, get a grip.

> Paging Mr. Kettle, paging Mr. Kettle, Mr. Pot on line 1.

ROTFLOL I'm sober now and that's funny.


  #93 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ol' Hippie
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

I can imagine he's got lots to do & lots to work on besides lolly-gaggin'
around this NG LOL. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods, we are
collecting Chanterelles buy the bag full over here, yum.
Bruce-n-Gold Beach

  #94 (permalink)   Report Post  
Kevin S. Wilson
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 01:56:14 GMT, "The Fat Man®"
> wrote:

>I'm just asking you to get a ****ing grip on reality, realize *everybody*
>despises you, and move on to your next level of terrorism.


That's twice in one week. The other day, some guy babbling on a cell
phone in the checkout line at Albertson's told me that I would have to
answer to John Ashcroft if I made good on my threat to hang up his
phone for him, on account of he's a "federal investigator." I suppose
the school lunch program has federal investigators, but I wonder why
he didn't show me his badge.

Trolling must stop now, or else the terrorists win! Good one, Fat Boy.

Tell you what, son. I plonked you before, when you revealed yourself
to be a racist bigot. Then you changed providers, so I'll be plonking
your new address now.

Kevin S. Wilson
Tech Writer at a University Somewhere in Idaho
"Who put these fingerprints on my imagination?"
  #95 (permalink)   Report Post  
Kevin S. Wilson
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 02:30:09 GMT, > wrote:

>>They don't celebrate Thanksgiving. The most similar holiday in Canada
>> would be Boxer Day. Something to do with the Boxer Rebellion, if I
>> understand correctly.

>*Boxing* Day, you dolt.

Who's the dolt? I said "Boxer Rebellion," not "Boxing Rebellion."

Please check your facts before posting nonsense to the USENET. I know
I always do.

Kevin S. Wilson
Tech Writer at a University Somewhere in Idaho
"Who put these fingerprints on my imagination?"

  #96 (permalink)   Report Post  
Kevin S. Wilson
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 22:06:38 -0800, "Duwop" >

>Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
>> On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 18:14:52 -0800, "Duwop" >
>> wrote:
>> "Trolling for trolls"? That makes no sense.

>Well I suppose that's why you're a technical writer.

That's one. But you have to take a swipe at academia and say something
disparaging about Idaho before you've been truly trolled by my .sig.
>> Trolling is a practical joke, generally played on people who take
>> Usenet just a Little Too Seriously (tm). Does trolling invoke flames?
>> Sure, sometimes, but they're funny to those who know what's going on.
>> Try posting to a Star Wars newsgroup that the T in "Captain John T.
>> Kirk" stands for "Tiberius" and see the wacky hilarity that ensues.

>Thank you very much for the self justification for you ****ing with this NG.

"****ing with this newsgroup"? By following up with a bit of silly
nonsense to a crossposted, off-topic post? Yeah, that sure did wreak
havoc upon this little corner of cyberspace. I'm surprised the walls
are still standing.

>We HAD a nice little corner left here until YOU ****ed things up.
>Yeah, you Kevin, ever since your little tirade against TFM when you first
>started x-posting the signal to noice ratio has fallen badly.

Yeah, you're right. I really should have said nothing when the Fat Boy
posted about "Martin Koon Boulevard" and started frothing about
"******s." And I really shouldn't have trolled Brick into thinking
that I was black. Then he wouldn't have had any reason to call me a
"******." That way, we could have all continued to pretend that they
are both decent people.

(An aside to newbies to AFB: Google on "Martin Koon" in AFB.)

>Kevin, Miles is a better AFB netizen than you, he's had fewer OT posts since
>he's come here

Google says you're wrong. But feel free to prove your point some other
way, if you'd like.

> and at least he doesn't cross post flame-bait. Think about

I have. And I've tried to explain to you the difference between
trolling and posting flame bait. Feel free to show me what constitutes
flame bait in this thread.

>It's a wonder that you cross post those posts that show you at your very
>worst, why do you x-post only those posts that show yourself as a rabid
>spastic flamer?

Feel free to show me the flames I've posted in this thread. You are
once again mistaking posting silly nonsense with flaming and with
posting flame-bait.

>Is that really what you are most proud of and want propogated across the
>net? And what do you have against AFB that you are trying to get it to turn
>into the flame ridden quagmire that RFC has become?

Are you still questioning my motives? I've been very clear about them.
I've told you before, but I'll tell you again: I have many times said
that I would one day show AFB what trolling is, and what it isn't.
Here was a perfect opportunity: an off-topic, irrelevant, crossposted
thread, into which I injected a bit of silly nonsense. Oh, and I
invited the folks at alt.religion.kibology, because they have a sense
of humor.

>Do you think if you took a poll of the regular members here that they would
>approve of x-posting, trolls or flame wars?

Polls in an alt. newsgroup? Meaningless. I'll assess the desires of
AFB posters by their actions. You, for instance, are following up to
what you know are trolling posts. You aren't crossposting, but you did
(and are) attempting to flame me. So I have to assume that you are in
favor of at least two out of three.

>Thanks again for screwing this NG up KEVIN, if you can learn some self
>control and take your bile somewhere else AFB might be able to normalize
>after a while.

Bile? Show it to me, please. In this thread.

>> I need an excuse? Hell, I don't even need a reason. This is Usenet,
>> and trolling is a time-honored tradition in Usenet culture. You don't
>> like it? Find a way to cope.

>Kevin, I only see more self justification for the meanness you've done to
>the people here.

What's mean about a small practical joke? Is it mean that the Fat Boy
and Harry D. and maybe some others got trolled? Hardly. I've been
trolled before, but I never thought the troller was being malicious. I
just thought that I had been tricked into believing something that
wasn't actually what it appeared to be.

When was the last time you played a little joke on a co-worker? Did
you do it to be mean?

> What did these people do to you for you to treat them like

They participated in Usenet, where trolling is a time-honored

>> First "smartass." Now "arrogant." Should I toss in a hearty "**** you"
>> just keep things even?

>Kevin, this post was originally intended to be a profanitiy laced tirade. I
>hope that simple bit of info informs you of my anger at what you've done to

Show me the damage.

>That I've changed it is because I'm not completely certain you are aware of
>the damage you are doing, and hope you will change, at least here at any
>rate, don't care how you conduct yourself elsewhere.

Thank you for granting me permission to be silly on Usenet, so long as
I don't do it in AFB.

>BTW Kev? You are the very last person here who should be chastising anybody
>on taking themselves too seriously.

You want to talk about the issue at hand, or do you want to talk about
personalities? An ad hominem argument is proof positive that you have
nothing substantial to say.

Kevin S. Wilson
Tech Writer at a University Somewhere in Idaho
"Who put these fingerprints on my imagination?"
  #97 (permalink)   Report Post  
Wiblur the Once
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

"The Fat Man®" > was heard mumbling something

> I'm just asking you to get a ****ing grip on reality, realize *everybody*
> despises you, and move on to your next level of terrorism.

Ah, but you are wrongity, Wrong, Wrong there, me buck-o *I* don't despise
Mr. SWilson, I think he's a good dude. It sounds to me like you are just
upset because you got hooked and don't have a graceful way to admit defeat.

"Mogu is a tiny golem wife ... and your best friend ...
and your worst nightmare."
- Joe Bay
  #98 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
> On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 22:06:38 -0800, "Duwop" >
> wrote:

>>> "Trolling for trolls"? That makes no sense.

>> Well I suppose that's why you're a technical writer.

> That's one. But you have to take a swipe at academia and say something
> disparaging about Idaho before you've been truly trolled by my .sig.

So, you still don' unnderstan'. I understand why you wouldn't want to admit

>> Thank you very much for the self justification for you ****ing with
>> this NG.

> "****ing with this newsgroup"? By following up with a bit of silly
> nonsense to a crossposted, off-topic post? Yeah, that sure did wreak
> havoc upon this little corner of cyberspace. I'm surprised the walls
> are still standing.

It's not as nice a place to be, is it? Address that instead of being

>> We HAD a nice little corner left here until YOU ****ed things up.
>> Yeah, you Kevin, ever since your little tirade against TFM when you
>> first started x-posting the signal to noice ratio has fallen badly.

> Yeah, you're right. I really should have said nothing when the Fat Boy
> posted about "Martin Koon Boulevard" and started frothing about
> "******s." And I really shouldn't have trolled Brick into thinking
> that I was black. Then he wouldn't have had any reason to call me a
> "******." That way, we could have all continued to pretend that they
> are both decent people.

He showed himself with that one post, the main person frothing at the mouth
seemed to be youyrself replying to every little post, that was all you
Kevin, and then your x-posting brought in even more flamers with whom you
could froth at the mouth even more at. Presumably you thought to impress
others? *shrug*
>> and at least he doesn't cross post flame-bait. Think about
>> it.

> I have. And I've tried to explain to you the difference between
> trolling and posting flame bait. Feel free to show me what constitutes
> flame bait in this thread.

You don't think I'm on you for just this thread do you? I've been angry at
your actions for a while.

>> It's a wonder that you cross post those posts that show you at your
>> very worst, why do you x-post only those posts that show yourself as
>> a rabid spastic flamer?

> Feel free to show me the flames I've posted in this thread. You are
> once again mistaking posting silly nonsense with flaming and with
> posting flame-bait.

You don't think I'm on you for just this thread do you?

> Are you still questioning my motives? I've been very clear about them.
> I've told you before, but I'll tell you again: I have many times said
> that I would one day show AFB what trolling is, and what it isn't.

Thanks so ever much, we all REALLY apreciate it, you can stop giving lessons
now, your pupils have learned oh wiser than thou one.

> Here was a perfect opportunity: an off-topic, irrelevant, crossposted
> thread, into which I injected a bit of silly nonsense. Oh, and I
> invited the folks at alt.religion.kibology, because they have a sense
> of humor.

You know each and every single one of em? And you control which groups their
responses are x-posted to, widening the audience even further until AFB
becomes one of those OT x-post to groups du'jour that you see so often, like
RFC? Thanks Kevin, thanks a LOT.

>> Do you think if you took a poll of the regular members here that
>> they would approve of x-posting, trolls or flame wars?

> Polls in an alt. newsgroup? Meaningless. I'll assess the desires of
> AFB posters by their actions.

No, take me by what I am asking you, please stop x-posting your flame bait,
stop trolling for trolls.

>You, for instance, are following up to
> what you know are trolling posts. You aren't crossposting, but you did
> (and are) attempting to flame me. So I have to assume that you are in
> favor of at least two out of three.

Kevin, if this was a flame, it's a very ****ing mild one.
Ignore what you don't like and justify the rest Kevin?

>> Thanks again for screwing this NG up KEVIN, if you can learn some
>> self control and take your bile somewhere else AFB might be able to
>> normalize after a while.

> Bile? Show it to me, please. In this thread.

You don't think I'm on you for just this thread do you?

>> Kevin, I only see more self justification for the meanness you've
>> done to the people here.

> What's mean about a small practical joke?

You are side stepping the issue, your actions have resulted in AFB becoming
worse than it was.

You have not addressed all the OT topics and posters and flamers and troll
that have come here since your original rant.

>> What did these people do to you for you to treat them like
>> this?

> They participated in Usenet, where trolling is a time-honored
> tradition.

Self justification, you have not addressed all the OT topics and posters and
flamers and troll that have come here since your original rant.

>>> First "smartass." Now "arrogant." Should I toss in a hearty "****
>>> you" just keep things even?

>> Kevin, this post was originally intended to be a profanitiy laced
>> tirade. I hope that simple bit of info informs you of my anger at
>> what you've done to AFB.

> Show me the damage.

Signal to noise ratio a year ago compared to today.

> Thank you for granting me permission to be silly on Usenet, so long as
> I don't do it in AFB.

I was not granting permission, I was asking you to play nicer and co-operate
with not letting AFB become another x-posted hell. It seems you do not want
to address that request.

Does this mean you intend to sink AFB into one of those meaningless x-posted
That is the direction things are going, I hoped to slow the flood, and would
apreciate your help.

>> BTW Kev? You are the very last person here who should be chastising
>> anybody on taking themselves too seriously.

> You want to talk about the issue at hand, or do you want to talk about
> personalities? An ad hominem argument is proof positive that you have
> nothing substantial to say.

This looks like further self justification to ignore what I've addressed.


  #99 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Fat Man®
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 01:56:14 GMT, "The Fat Man®"
> > wrote:
>> I'm just asking you to get a ****ing grip on reality, realize
>> *everybody* despises you, and move on to your next level of
>> terrorism.

> <snort>
> <sputter>
> <SNORK!>
> That's twice in one week. The other day, some guy babbling on a cell
> phone in the checkout line at Albertson's told me that I would have to
> answer to John Ashcroft if I made good on my threat to hang up his
> phone for him, on account of he's a "federal investigator." I suppose
> the school lunch program has federal investigators, but I wonder why
> he didn't show me his badge.
> Trolling must stop now, or else the terrorists win! Good one, Fat Boy.
> Tell you what, son. I plonked you before, when you revealed yourself
> to be a racist bigot. Then you changed providers, so I'll be plonking
> your new address now.

I warned you and everybody else of my new address a long time ago just so
you could plonk me.

The guy at Albertson's shoulda broke your ****ing arm. I would have.


  #100 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Fat Man®
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

Wiblur the Once wrote:
> "The Fat Man®" > was heard mumbling something
> about...
>> I'm just asking you to get a ****ing grip on reality, realize
>> *everybody* despises you, and move on to your next level of
>> terrorism.

> Ah, but you are wrongity, Wrong, Wrong there, me buck-o *I* don't
> despise Mr. SWilson, I think he's a good dude. It sounds to me like
> you are just upset because you got hooked and don't have a graceful
> way to admit defeat.

I deduce from your statement, "I think he's a good dude.", that you are an
idiot. You are in good company with him.

I'm not a bit upset about being trolled, I despise the man for what he is
and what he does. He's a nitpicking little **** who adds nothing to this
NG, but detracts greatly.

Now why don't the both of you shut your ****ing blowholes and go cook
something and tell us about it if you can pry yourselves away from the
keyboard long enough.


  #101 (permalink)   Report Post  
Kevin S. Wilson
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 08:18:34 -0800, "Duwop" >

>Kevin S. Wilson wrote:

>> "****ing with this newsgroup"? By following up with a bit of silly
>> nonsense to a crossposted, off-topic post? Yeah, that sure did wreak
>> havoc upon this little corner of cyberspace. I'm surprised the walls
>> are still standing.

>It's not as nice a place to be, is it? Address that instead of being

It's the same place it always has been, and I like it just fine. You
don't happen to agree, and that's fine, too. That's why they make both
vanilla and chocolate ice cream.
>>> We HAD a nice little corner left here until YOU ****ed things up.
>>> Yeah, you Kevin, ever since your little tirade against TFM when you
>>> first started x-posting the signal to noice ratio has fallen badly.

>> Yeah, you're right. I really should have said nothing when the Fat Boy
>> posted about "Martin Koon Boulevard" and started frothing about
>> "******s." And I really shouldn't have trolled Brick into thinking
>> that I was black. Then he wouldn't have had any reason to call me a
>> "******." That way, we could have all continued to pretend that they
>> are both decent people.

>He showed himself with that one post,

Either you didn't follow the thread, or you don't know what you're
talking about. He and the others didn't limit themselves to one
offensive post. There were plenty. But don't take my word for it.
Google it yourself.

> the main person frothing at the mouth
>seemed to be youyrself replying to every little post,

The proper response to offensive speech is more speech. I told you
that at the time, if you were paying attention.

>that was all you
>Kevin, and then your x-posting brought in even more flamers with whom you
>could froth at the mouth even more at.

My crossposting? The racist thread was never crossposted, to my
knowledge. Certainly not by me. If you mean the current thread, I'll
remind you that it was crossposted from the beginning. I just invited
some friends in ARK to share in a practical joke.

> Presumably you thought to impress
>others? *shrug*

Why do you continue to guess at my motives when I've already told you
what they were? If you need to hear it again, scroll down. I told you
in the post you're responding to.

>>> and at least he doesn't cross post flame-bait. Think about
>>> it.

>> I have. And I've tried to explain to you the difference between
>> trolling and posting flame bait. Feel free to show me what constitutes
>> flame bait in this thread.

>You don't think I'm on you for just this thread do you? I've been angry at
>your actions for a while.

Tough. That's what killfiles are for.

>>> It's a wonder that you cross post those posts that show you at your
>>> very worst, why do you x-post only those posts that show yourself as
>>> a rabid spastic flamer?

>> Feel free to show me the flames I've posted in this thread. You are
>> once again mistaking posting silly nonsense with flaming and with
>> posting flame-bait.

>You don't think I'm on you for just this thread do you?

Now you're just repeating yourself. Allow me to follow suit: That's
what killfiles are for.
>> Are you still questioning my motives? I've been very clear about them.
>> I've told you before, but I'll tell you again: I have many times said
>> that I would one day show AFB what trolling is, and what it isn't.

>Thanks so ever much, we all REALLY apreciate it, you can stop giving lessons
>now, your pupils have learned oh wiser than thou one.
>> Here was a perfect opportunity: an off-topic, irrelevant, crossposted
>> thread, into which I injected a bit of silly nonsense. Oh, and I
>> invited the folks at alt.religion.kibology, because they have a sense
>> of humor.

>You know each and every single one of em? And you control which groups their
>responses are x-posted to, widening the audience even further until AFB
>becomes one of those OT x-post to groups du'jour that you see so often, like
>RFC? Thanks Kevin, thanks a LOT.

Any reason you're not spitting venom at the original poster? If you
don't like crossposting, you might start there. (Or you might ask
someone to show you how to configure your newsreader to ignore
crossposted theads.)

>>> Do you think if you took a poll of the regular members here that
>>> they would approve of x-posting, trolls or flame wars?

>> Polls in an alt. newsgroup? Meaningless. I'll assess the desires of
>> AFB posters by their actions.

>No, take me by what I am asking you, please stop x-posting your flame bait,
>stop trolling for trolls.

I'm still waiting for you to point to an example of me posting flame
bait. As for trolling, you can ask all you want. But you might first
stop to think about whether I've ever said I intend to CONTINUE
trolling AFB.

>>You, for instance, are following up to
>> what you know are trolling posts. You aren't crossposting, but you did
>> (and are) attempting to flame me. So I have to assume that you are in
>> favor of at least two out of three.

>Kevin, if this was a flame, it's a very ****ing mild one.
>Ignore what you don't like and justify the rest Kevin?
>>> Thanks again for screwing this NG up KEVIN, if you can learn some
>>> self control and take your bile somewhere else AFB might be able to
>>> normalize after a while.

>> Bile? Show it to me, please. In this thread.

>You don't think I'm on you for just this thread do you?

Now you're just repeating yourself. Scroll up if you really need to
know the answer.

>>> Kevin, I only see more self justification for the meanness you've
>>> done to the people here.

>> What's mean about a small practical joke?

>You are side stepping the issue, your actions have resulted in AFB becoming
>worse than it was.

Speaking of side-stepping, you appear to have snipped two questions
from my post, which otherwise you have quoted in full. I'll ask them

When was the last time you played a little joke on a co-worker? Did
you do it to be mean?

>You have not addressed all the OT topics and posters and flamers and troll
>that have come here since your original rant.

Now you're not even making sense. "Original rant"? What the hell are
you talking about? So now I'm somehow responsible for every off-topic
post, flame, and troll posted to AFB? Please show me how I managed to
exert such mind-boggling influence. Otherwise, you're just babbling.

>>> What did these people do to you for you to treat them like
>>> this?

>> They participated in Usenet, where trolling is a time-honored
>> tradition.

>Self justification, you have not addressed all the OT topics and posters and
>flamers and troll that have come here since your original rant.

Once again, what in the blue-eyed froggy world are you talking about?
Just post a message ID to this "original rant" if you can't be
bothered to explain yourself more articulately.

>>>> First "smartass." Now "arrogant." Should I toss in a hearty "****
>>>> you" just keep things even?
>>> Kevin, this post was originally intended to be a profanitiy laced
>>> tirade. I hope that simple bit of info informs you of my anger at
>>> what you've done to AFB.

>> Show me the damage.

>Signal to noise ratio a year ago compared to today.

And I'm responsible for that how, exactly?

>> Thank you for granting me permission to be silly on Usenet, so long as
>> I don't do it in AFB.

>I was not granting permission, I was asking you to play nicer and co-operate
>with not letting AFB become another x-posted hell. It seems you do not want
>to address that request.

And you've made the same request to the original poster? You may
recall that this thread was crossposted from the beginning.

>Does this mean you intend to sink AFB into one of those meaningless x-posted
>That is the direction things are going, I hoped to slow the flood, and would
>apreciate your help.
>>> BTW Kev? You are the very last person here who should be chastising
>>> anybody on taking themselves too seriously.

>> You want to talk about the issue at hand, or do you want to talk about
>> personalities? An ad hominem argument is proof positive that you have
>> nothing substantial to say.

>This looks like further self justification to ignore what I've addressed.

Ignore? I've answered your questions, which is more than you can say.
You just don't like the answers.

Kevin S. Wilson
Tech Writer at a University Somewhere in Idaho
"Who put these fingerprints on my imagination?"
  #102 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

> Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
>> On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 22:06:38 -0800, "Duwop" >
>> wrote:

Kevin, I re-iterate, Miles has been a better netizen than you:

In the QUARTER ending 9/30/03 you had posted 443 messages, let's be kind
and say 60 were on topic, that leave 380 OT posts to your discredit.

BTW, that ignores another whopping 400 posts this calendar year.

Miles, under his three main id's,

and his primary:

Has a TOTAL for this year of 241, even though each and every one of his
posts could be deamed worthless, he has posted less dreck than you.

Google that Kevin.

Kevin, my intention here is to point out what you've been doing and to try
to stop this place from going down the drain, I hope for your help, not your

You ask what damage has been done? Look at the statistics he
For the calendar year 01/02-12/02, 16,000 messages, for 3/4 of 2003 we
already have 20,000 messages, and you and I both know most all of the
increase is crap.

  #103 (permalink)   Report Post  
John O
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

> >>> didn't pounce on my stupid statement earlier, in which I referred to
> >>> Michigan as a state, rather than a province. I don't know what I was
> >>> thinking. Not enough coffee, I guess.
> >>
> >> Huh??
> >>

> > US = states and counties (sometimes parishes)
> > Canada = provinces and shires
> >
> > I thought everyone knew that.

> Kevin , I believe he was responding to your remark about not having had
> enough coffee, he was simply indredulous.

No, I'm wondering what's in that coffee.... The 26th state doesn't even
touch Canada, so why would it be stupid to refer to it as a state? FWIW the
province of Ontario has counties and townships...just like Michigan. Alberta
has counties, too.

John O

  #104 (permalink)   Report Post  
John O
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

> >Technically, you're both right. Michigan is in TWO pieces, one in
> >one in the US.
> >

> At last, someone who knows to check his facts before posting nonsense
> to the USENET.

Which piece would be in Canada? How would I check a fact that isn't?

  #105 (permalink)   Report Post  
Kevin S. Wilson
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 11:50:58 -0800, "Duwop" >

>> Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
>>> On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 22:06:38 -0800, "Duwop" >
>>> wrote:

>Kevin, I re-iterate, Miles has been a better netizen than you:
>In the QUARTER ending 9/30/03 you had posted 443 messages, let's be kind
>and say 60 were on topic, that leave 380 OT posts to your discredit.

"Let's be kind and say 60 were on topic." If you're just going to pull
statistics out of your ass, what's the point?

I'm far too uninterested to google up your posting history. Instead,
I'll just say that, to be kind, you are on topic only 11% of the time.
Does that sound about right? I got the statistic the same way you got
>BTW, that ignores another whopping 400 posts this calendar year.
>Miles, under his three main id's,

>and his primary:

>Has a TOTAL for this year of 241, even though each and every one of his
>posts could be deamed worthless, he has posted less dreck than you.

A slow sixth-grader could poke holes in that line of reasoning, and I
suspect you know it.

>Google that Kevin.
>Kevin, my intention here is to point out what you've been doing and to try
>to stop this place from going down the drain, I hope for your help, not your

You got a funny way of asking. Do you generally refer to people as
"assholes" and "arrogant" when you want something from them?

>You ask what damage has been done? Look at the statistics he
>For the calendar year 01/02-12/02, 16,000 messages, for 3/4 of 2003 we
>already have 20,000 messages,

And I'm responsible for that how, exactly?

>and you and I both know most all of the increase is crap.

Speak for yourself. My killfile works.

Kevin S. Wilson
Tech Writer at a University Somewhere in Idaho
"Who put these fingerprints on my imagination?"

  #106 (permalink)   Report Post  
Kevin S. Wilson
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 19:55:31 GMT, "John O"
> wrote:

>> >Technically, you're both right. Michigan is in TWO pieces, one in

>> >one in the US.
>> >

>> At last, someone who knows to check his facts before posting nonsense
>> to the USENET.

>Which piece would be in Canada? How would I check a fact that isn't?

John, the proper procedure is as follows:

1. Check facts.
2. Post nonsense to Usenet.

You'll find a more elaborate explanation by googling on YHBT.


Kevin S. Wilson
Tech Writer at a University Somewhere in Idaho
"Who put these fingerprints on my imagination?"
  #107 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

swt wrote:

> > > I do suggest you take a history lesson as Michigan is NOT in
> > >>Canada.

> >
> > Well, duh. It's not IN Canada in the same way that Peurto Rico (a US
> > province) is not IN the US.

> Technically, you're both right. Michigan is in TWO pieces, one in Canada,
> one in the US.

My gawd, all those stereotypes about American's geographical ignorance are
coming to life here. Michigan is a US state. It is in the US. It is dived
into two portions, one being the peninsula between Lakes Huron and Michigan
and the other being the peninsula between Lakes Michigan and Superior/

> P.S. Is it true that our neighbors to the north eat Canadian Goose instead
> of turkey for their Thanksgiving dinners?

Is this the faulty hypothesis test? I never heard that rumour. The traditional
Thanksgiving dinner here is roasted turkey. Probably the only major difference
between Canadian and American Thanksgiving foods is that most of us have never
heard of that bean and mushroom soup dish with dried fried onions on top. It
never appealed to me after having seen my uncle slopping his pigs with
something that looked remarkably like that.

And to one of the follow-ups here.... It's Boxing Day, not Boxer day, and
Boxing Day is nothing like Thanksgiving. It's more of an extended Christmas,
a day off for the hired help. though it seems to have involved into a sale day
at the malls.

> --
> .:*~*:. .:*~*:. .:*~*:. .:*~*:. .:*~*:.
> `*._.:*' :// `*._.:*' ers. `*._.:*' net/ `*._.:*'
> .:*~*:. http .:*~*:. memb .:*~*:. cox. .:*~*:. swt2/ .:*~*:.
> `*._.:*' `*._.:*' `*._.:*' `*._.:*'

  #108 (permalink)   Report Post  
Nancy Young
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

Dave Smith wrote:
> swt wrote:

> > Technically, you're both right. Michigan is in TWO pieces, one in Canada,
> > one in the US.

> My gawd, all those stereotypes about American's geographical ignorance are
> coming to life here. Michigan is a US state. It is in the US. It is divided
> into two portions, one being the peninsula between Lakes Huron and Michigan
> and the other being the peninsula between Lakes Michigan and Superior/

(laughing!) I was wondering what the hell they were talking about.
Hello, Upper Pensinsula of Michigan, not the lower peninsula of

  #109 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

There he goes again.

"Kevin S. Wilson" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 19:55:31 GMT, "John O"
> > wrote:
> >> >Technically, you're both right. Michigan is in TWO pieces, one in

> >Canada,
> >> >one in the US.
> >> >
> >> At last, someone who knows to check his facts before posting nonsense
> >> to the USENET.

> >
> >Which piece would be in Canada? How would I check a fact that isn't?
> >

> John, the proper procedure is as follows:
> 1. Check facts.
> 2. Post nonsense to Usenet.
> You'll find a more elaborate explanation by googling on YHBT.
> --
> Kevin S. Wilson
> Tech Writer at a University Somewhere in Idaho
> "Who put these fingerprints on my imagination?"

  #110 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

Finally, someone understands Kevin Wilson.

"The Fat Man®" > wrote in message
> Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
> > On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 01:56:14 GMT, "The Fat Man®"
> > > wrote:
> >
> >> I'm just asking you to get a ****ing grip on reality, realize
> >> *everybody* despises you, and move on to your next level of
> >> terrorism.

> >
> > <snort>
> > <sputter>
> > <SNORK!>
> >
> > That's twice in one week. The other day, some guy babbling on a cell
> > phone in the checkout line at Albertson's told me that I would have to
> > answer to John Ashcroft if I made good on my threat to hang up his
> > phone for him, on account of he's a "federal investigator." I suppose
> > the school lunch program has federal investigators, but I wonder why
> > he didn't show me his badge.
> >
> > Trolling must stop now, or else the terrorists win! Good one, Fat Boy.
> >
> > Tell you what, son. I plonked you before, when you revealed yourself
> > to be a racist bigot. Then you changed providers, so I'll be plonking
> > your new address now.

> I warned you and everybody else of my new address a long time ago just so
> you could plonk me.
> The guy at Albertson's shoulda broke your ****ing arm. I would have.
> TFM®

  #111 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

> wrote in message ...
> On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 01:56:14 GMT, "The Fat Man®"
> > wrote:
> >Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
> >> On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 00:33:4

> >
> >> A newsflash: Trolling is silly and childish. Does that hook in your
> >> mouth cause you to point out the obvious? Some of us like trolling
> >> precisely because it's silly and childish.
> >>
> >> And it's even more fun when those who get hooked start to froth at the
> >> mouth, as you're doing now, over something that is little more than a
> >> practical joke.

> >
> >Biatch, you froth at the mouth constantly about nothing. Why is it you

> >feel you're needed or wanted in this NG?
> >
> >You've been dubbed the "gatekeeper" by some, but you're doing such a poor
> >job of that as to be ineffectual.

> Not at all. He has conscientiously opened the gate for his friends to
> come in and enjoy the fun.
> >I'm just asking you to get a ****ing grip on reality, realize *everybody*
> >despises you, and move on to your next level of terrorism.

> I don't despise Kevin's Wilson. I feel he is a misunderstood child of
> his nation's unfortunate culture.
> >I'm not frothing as I type this, but I suspect you *will* be as you read

> >That's your first clue. You're overly attached emotionally to what

> >type. Back to square 1, get a grip.

> You have no perspective on yourself do you? God bless you and keep you
> that way.
> BW

Kevin is not misunderstood, he's just an idiot who has no life, no wife and
no children. Perhaps my earlier advice would pertain...

  #112 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

TomD wrote in

> Hi Steve,
> Looking at an old bottle that says 4/5 of a quart. That is why the
> government set the standard at 750ml.
> Hope This Helps,

Fifth - 750ml.
Quart - Litre
Half gallon - 1.75 Litre
Worked in a liquor store as a teen and the were called
fifths,quarts and half gallons. Then they went to this
metric crap. Don't know about half pints and pints.
Just one faded memory

To E-mail me, you know what to do.
  #113 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

Hmm, if your killfile would only address your own posts........

"Kevin S. Wilson" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 11:50:58 -0800, "Duwop" >
> wrote:
> >> Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
> >>> On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 22:06:38 -0800, "Duwop" >
> >>> wrote:

> >
> >Kevin, I re-iterate, Miles has been a better netizen than you:
> >
> >In the QUARTER ending 9/30/03 you had posted 443 messages, let's be kind
> >and say 60 were on topic, that leave 380 OT posts to your discredit.

> "Let's be kind and say 60 were on topic." If you're just going to pull
> statistics out of your ass, what's the point?
> I'm far too uninterested to google up your posting history. Instead,
> I'll just say that, to be kind, you are on topic only 11% of the time.
> Does that sound about right? I got the statistic the same way you got
> yours.
> >


> >
> >BTW, that ignores another whopping 400 posts this calendar year.
> >
> >Miles, under his three main id's,


> >

> >
> >and his primary:

> >
> >Has a TOTAL for this year of 241, even though each and every one of his
> >posts could be deamed worthless, he has posted less dreck than you.

> A slow sixth-grader could poke holes in that line of reasoning, and I
> suspect you know it.
> >Google that Kevin.
> >
> >Kevin, my intention here is to point out what you've been doing and to

> >to stop this place from going down the drain, I hope for your help, not

> >rancor.

> You got a funny way of asking. Do you generally refer to people as
> "assholes" and "arrogant" when you want something from them?
> >You ask what damage has been done? Look at the statistics he
> >For the calendar year 01/02-12/02, 16,000 messages, for 3/4 of 2003 we
> >already have 20,000 messages,

> And I'm responsible for that how, exactly?
> >and you and I both know most all of the increase is crap.

> Speak for yourself. My killfile works.
> --
> Kevin S. Wilson
> Tech Writer at a University Somewhere in Idaho
> "Who put these fingerprints on my imagination?"

  #114 (permalink)   Report Post  
Kevin S. Wilson
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 23:22:16 GMT, "BigJolly" >

>Hmm, if your killfile would only address your own posts........

Time for a trip down memory lane already?

>From: "BigJolly" >
>Subject: What Happened....
>Lines: 5
>X-Priority: 3
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158
>X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1165
>Message-ID: >
>Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2003 23:05:15 GMT
>X-Trace: 1068246315 (Fri, 07 Nov 2003 17:05:15 CST)
>NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2003 17:05:15 CST
>Organization: Road Runner - Texas
>to the good ol' days when all we would see were posts about bbque or the
>occasional threatened suicide to get our juices flowing? Tofuboy has really
>got you guys going.
>From: "BigJolly" >
>References: > > >
>Subject: I Wish You All The Best
>Lines: 18
>X-Priority: 3
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1165
>Message-ID: >
>Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 02:54:37 GMT

>X-Trace: 1065754477 (Thu, 09 Oct 2003 21:54:37 CDT)
>NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 09 Oct 2003 21:54:37 CDT
>Organization: Road Runner - Texas
>"Michael" > wrote in message
>> "BigJolly" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > Dude, when you gotta go, you gotta go. Good luck.
>> >
>> >

>> I knew there would one.
>> Jerk!

>Ok, so I'm a Jerk. Whatever. Dude says he wants to check out, all you trolls
>fall for it.

Kevin S. Wilson
Tech Writer at a University Somewhere in Idaho
"Who put these fingerprints on my imagination?"
  #115 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

"Dave Smith" > wrote in message

> My gawd, all those stereotypes about American's geographical ignorance are
> coming to life here. Michigan is a US state. It is in the US. It is

> into two portions, one being the peninsula between Lakes Huron and

> and the other being the peninsula between Lakes Michigan and Superior/

Good gravy, you're right! I should have known better than that, as a child
I was up at the Great Lakes for vacation, and I used to swim in Lake Oswego.

> And to one of the follow-ups here.... It's Boxing Day, not Boxer day, and
> Boxing Day is nothing like Thanksgiving. It's more of an extended

> a day off for the hired help. though it seems to have involved into a sale

> at the malls.

"Boxer" silly! Boxing Day is the day after Christmas (and it's
not "the day you put away boxes from Christmas presents", although maybe
that could help certain people remember the name!) Boxing Day is also
called the Feast of St. Stephen. Of course, in the USA we call it Kwanzaa.

..:*~*:. .:*~*:. .:*~*:. .:*~*:. .:*~*:.
`*._.:*' :// `*._.:*' ers. `*._.:*' net/ `*._.:*'
..:*~*:. http .:*~*:. memb .:*~*:. cox. .:*~*:. swt2/ .:*~*:.
`*._.:*' `*._.:*' `*._.:*' `*._.:*'

  #116 (permalink)   Report Post  
K. Reece
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

"swt" > wrote in message news:74Utb.3204$vJ6.2933@fed1read05...
> "Boxer" silly! Boxing Day is the day after Christmas (and it's
> not "the day you put away boxes from Christmas presents", although maybe
> that could help certain people remember the name!) Boxing Day is also
> called the Feast of St. Stephen. Of course, in the USA we call it

> --
> .:*~*:. .:*~*:. .:*~*:. .:*~*:. .:*~*:.
> `*._.:*' :// `*._.:*' ers. `*._.:*' net/ `*._.:*'
> .:*~*:. http .:*~*:. memb .:*~*:. cox. .:*~*:. swt2/ .:*~*:.
> `*._.:*' `*._.:*' `*._.:*' `*._.:*'

Kwanzaa is in no way shape or form related to Boxing Day or the Feast of St


  #118 (permalink)   Report Post  
David DeLaney
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

John O > wrote:
>> >Technically, you're both right. Michigan is in TWO pieces, one in Canada,
>> >one in the US.
>> >

>> At last, someone who knows to check his facts before posting nonsense
>> to the USENET.

>Which piece would be in Canada?

Only one of them; the Jordan Remainder Theorem tells us this, because there's
a line between them.

>How would I check a fact that isn't?

Honey, if you don't know by now, you ain't nevah^W^W^W^W^W^W^W^W^W^WPer haps
this would be a good subject for a graduate seminar?

\/David DeLaney posting from "It's not the pot that grows the flower
It's not the clock that slows the hour The definition's plain for anyone to see
Love is all it takes to make a family" - R&P. VISUALIZE HAPPYNET VRbeable<BLINK> - net.legends FAQ & Magic / I WUV you in all CAPS! --K.
  #119 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jeremy D. Impson
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

On Sun, 16 Nov 2003, K. Reece wrote:

> "swt" > wrote in message news:74Utb.3204$vJ6.2933@fed1read05...
> > "Boxer" silly! Boxing Day is the day after Christmas (and it's
> > not "the day you put away boxes from Christmas presents", although maybe
> > that could help certain people remember the name!) Boxing Day is also
> > called the Feast of St. Stephen. Of course, in the USA we call it
> > Kwanzaa.

> Kwanzaa is in no way shape or form related to Boxing Day or the Feast of St
> Stephan.

But they are related in spirit, at least.



Jeremy Impson
jdimpson can be contacted at acm dot org

  #120 (permalink)   Report Post  
Julie d'Aubigny
Posts: n/a
Default Thanksgiving for temporary curmudgeons

"K. Reece" wrote:
> Kwanzaa is in no way shape or form related to Boxing Day or the Feast of St
> Stephan.

Guys, guys, GUYS! This is like shooting fish in a BARREL! Do any of you
have a license?

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