Vegan ( This newsgroup exists to share ideas and issues of concern among vegans. We are always happy to share our recipes- perhaps especially with omnivores who are simply curious- or even better, accomodating a vegan guest for a meal!

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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to soc.culture.indian,,alt.religion.hindu,alt.religion.vaisnava,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,alt.animals.rights.promotion,soc.culture.usa,alt.politics.economics,soc.culture.india
external usenet poster
Posts: 73
Default Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?

Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?

By Heather Moore
Sun Sentinel
Thursday, April 16, 2015

At this time of year, the last thing anyone wants to
think about is paying more taxes. But there's one tax I'm
in favor of - and you should be, too, if you care about
your health and the health of the planet: a sin tax on
meat, cheese and other animal-based foods.

If Congress were to levy a 10-cent tax on every pound of
meat sold in grocery stores and restaurants - and a
modest sin tax on each dairy item and carton of eggs - it
would not only stimulate the economy but also give people
yet another incentive to give tasty vegan foods a try,
which would then help to reduce the nation's health care
costs and its Sasquatch-size carbon footprint.

Americans have to pay excise taxes on cigarettes, alcohol
and gasoline to help offset the health and environmental
costs of these items, so it's not too much of a leap to
expect people to pay extra for unhealthy - and
unnecessary - foods that harm people and animals, waste
resources and contribute to climate change.

Before you balk at the thought of more taxes, consider
this: We pay a tax on gasoline in order to motivate us to
conserve fossil fuels, which in turn is aimed at reducing
pollution and combating climate change, so shouldn't we
also pay a tax on animal-based foods for the very same

According to the United Nations, the production of meat
and dairy foods requires more resources and causes more
greenhouse-gas emissions than the production of plant-
based foods. It takes roughly 1,000 gallons of water to
produce just 1 gallon of milk, and it takes about 11
times more fossil fuel to produce a gram of animal
protein than to produce a gram of plant protein.

Continues at:

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to soc.culture.indian,,alt.religion.hindu,alt.religion.vaisnava,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,alt.animals.rights.promotion,soc.culture.usa,alt.politics.economics
external usenet poster
Posts: 22
Default Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?

On 4/16/2015 1:28 PM, Dr. Jai Maharaj wrote:
> Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?

Alcohol and tobacco should be taxed like meat.973
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 22
Default Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?

On 4/16/2015 1:28 PM, Dr. Jai Maharaj wrote:

> If Congress were to levy a 10-cent tax on every pound of
> meat sold in grocery stores and restaurants - and a
> modest sin tax on each dairy item and carton of eggs - it
> would not only stimulate the economy but

Bullshit. Higher taxes *always* reduce economic activity.


Your first duty is to th' to th' flag, and then...and then
th' army,
and then to...and then to god. Flag, Army, God - F.A.G.

Mark Wieber
75th Rangers, 1971-1973
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?

> On 4/16/2015 1:28 PM, Dr. Jai Maharaj wrote:
>> If Congress were to levy a 10-cent tax on every pound of
>> meat sold in grocery stores and restaurants - and a
>> modest sin tax on each dairy item and carton of eggs - it
>> would not only stimulate the economy but

you would tax the food right out of the hands of those starving children
you Liberals are so concerned about.

It's almost funny that Liberals are too stupid to see the damage they do.

Tax food like cigarettes to get people to quit smoking/eating right?

That's Karma
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to soc.culture.indian,,alt.religion.hindu,alt.religion.vaisnava,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,alt.animals.rights.promotion,soc.culture.usa,alt.politics.economics,soc.culture.india
external usenet poster
Posts: 73
Default Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?

Dr. Jai Maharaj posted:
> Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?
> By Heather Moore
> Sun Sentinel
> Thursday, April 16, 2015
> At this time of year, the last thing anyone wants to
> think about is paying more taxes. But there's one tax I'm
> in favor of - and you should be, too, if you care about
> your health and the health of the planet: a sin tax on
> meat, cheese and other animal-based foods.
> If Congress were to levy a 10-cent tax on every pound of
> meat sold in grocery stores and restaurants - and a
> modest sin tax on each dairy item and carton of eggs - it
> would not only stimulate the economy but also give people
> yet another incentive to give tasty vegan foods a try,
> which would then help to reduce the nation's health care
> costs and its Sasquatch-size carbon footprint.
> Americans have to pay excise taxes on cigarettes, alcohol
> and gasoline to help offset the health and environmental
> costs of these items, so it's not too much of a leap to
> expect people to pay extra for unhealthy - and
> unnecessary - foods that harm people and animals, waste
> resources and contribute to climate change.
> Before you balk at the thought of more taxes, consider
> this: We pay a tax on gasoline in order to motivate us to
> conserve fossil fuels, which in turn is aimed at reducing
> pollution and combating climate change, so shouldn't we
> also pay a tax on animal-based foods for the very same
> reasons?
> According to the United Nations, the production of meat
> and dairy foods requires more resources and causes more
> greenhouse-gas emissions than the production of plant-
> based foods. It takes roughly 1,000 gallons of water to
> produce just 1 gallon of milk, and it takes about 11
> times more fossil fuel to produce a gram of animal
> protein than to produce a gram of plant protein.
> Continues at:

21-Day Vegan Kickstart

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to soc.culture.indian,,alt.religion.hindu,alt.religion.vaisnava,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,alt.animals.rights.promotion,soc.culture.usa,alt.politics.economics,soc.culture.india
external usenet poster
Posts: 73
Default Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?

Dr. Jai Maharaj posted:
> > Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?
> >
> > By Heather Moore
> > Sun Sentinel
> >
> > Thursday, April 16, 2015
> >
> > At this time of year, the last thing anyone wants to
> > think about is paying more taxes. But there's one tax I'm
> > in favor of - and you should be, too, if you care about
> > your health and the health of the planet: a sin tax on
> > meat, cheese and other animal-based foods.
> >
> > If Congress were to levy a 10-cent tax on every pound of
> > meat sold in grocery stores and restaurants - and a
> > modest sin tax on each dairy item and carton of eggs - it
> > would not only stimulate the economy but also give people
> > yet another incentive to give tasty vegan foods a try,
> > which would then help to reduce the nation's health care
> > costs and its Sasquatch-size carbon footprint.
> >
> > Americans have to pay excise taxes on cigarettes, alcohol
> > and gasoline to help offset the health and environmental
> > costs of these items, so it's not too much of a leap to
> > expect people to pay extra for unhealthy - and
> > unnecessary - foods that harm people and animals, waste
> > resources and contribute to climate change.
> >
> > Before you balk at the thought of more taxes, consider
> > this: We pay a tax on gasoline in order to motivate us to
> > conserve fossil fuels, which in turn is aimed at reducing
> > pollution and combating climate change, so shouldn't we
> > also pay a tax on animal-based foods for the very same
> > reasons?
> >
> > According to the United Nations, the production of meat
> > and dairy foods requires more resources and causes more
> > greenhouse-gas emissions than the production of plant-
> > based foods. It takes roughly 1,000 gallons of water to
> > produce just 1 gallon of milk, and it takes about 11
> > times more fossil fuel to produce a gram of animal
> > protein than to produce a gram of plant protein.
> >
> > Continues at:
> >

> 21-Day Vegan Kickstart

Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke -- The Major Killers of
Americans: Research and Prevention

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to soc.culture.indian,,alt.religion.hindu,alt.religion.vaisnava,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,alt.animals.rights.promotion,soc.culture.usa,alt.politics.economics,soc.culture.india
external usenet poster
Posts: 73
Default Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?

Dr. Jai Maharaj posted:
> > > Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?
> > >
> > > By Heather Moore
> > > Sun Sentinel
> > >
> > > Thursday, April 16, 2015
> > >
> > > At this time of year, the last thing anyone wants to
> > > think about is paying more taxes. But there's one tax I'm
> > > in favor of - and you should be, too, if you care about
> > > your health and the health of the planet: a sin tax on
> > > meat, cheese and other animal-based foods.
> > >
> > > If Congress were to levy a 10-cent tax on every pound of
> > > meat sold in grocery stores and restaurants - and a
> > > modest sin tax on each dairy item and carton of eggs - it
> > > would not only stimulate the economy but also give people
> > > yet another incentive to give tasty vegan foods a try,
> > > which would then help to reduce the nation's health care
> > > costs and its Sasquatch-size carbon footprint.
> > >
> > > Americans have to pay excise taxes on cigarettes, alcohol
> > > and gasoline to help offset the health and environmental
> > > costs of these items, so it's not too much of a leap to
> > > expect people to pay extra for unhealthy - and
> > > unnecessary - foods that harm people and animals, waste
> > > resources and contribute to climate change.
> > >
> > > Before you balk at the thought of more taxes, consider
> > > this: We pay a tax on gasoline in order to motivate us to
> > > conserve fossil fuels, which in turn is aimed at reducing
> > > pollution and combating climate change, so shouldn't we
> > > also pay a tax on animal-based foods for the very same
> > > reasons?
> > >
> > > According to the United Nations, the production of meat
> > > and dairy foods requires more resources and causes more
> > > greenhouse-gas emissions than the production of plant-
> > > based foods. It takes roughly 1,000 gallons of water to
> > > produce just 1 gallon of milk, and it takes about 11
> > > times more fossil fuel to produce a gram of animal
> > > protein than to produce a gram of plant protein.
> > >
> > > Continues at:
> > >

> > 21-Day Vegan Kickstart
> >

> Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke -- The Major Killers of
> Americans: Research and Prevention

Beans vs. Beef Infographic

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to soc.culture.indian,,alt.religion.hindu,alt.religion.vaisnava,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,alt.animals.rights.promotion,soc.culture.usa,alt.politics.economics,soc.culture.india
external usenet poster
Posts: 73
Default Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?

Dr. Jai Maharaj posted:
> > > > Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?
> > > >
> > > > By Heather Moore
> > > > Sun Sentinel
> > > >
> > > > Thursday, April 16, 2015
> > > >
> > > > At this time of year, the last thing anyone wants to
> > > > think about is paying more taxes. But there's one tax I'm
> > > > in favor of - and you should be, too, if you care about
> > > > your health and the health of the planet: a sin tax on
> > > > meat, cheese and other animal-based foods.
> > > >
> > > > If Congress were to levy a 10-cent tax on every pound of
> > > > meat sold in grocery stores and restaurants - and a
> > > > modest sin tax on each dairy item and carton of eggs - it
> > > > would not only stimulate the economy but also give people
> > > > yet another incentive to give tasty vegan foods a try,
> > > > which would then help to reduce the nation's health care
> > > > costs and its Sasquatch-size carbon footprint.
> > > >
> > > > Americans have to pay excise taxes on cigarettes, alcohol
> > > > and gasoline to help offset the health and environmental
> > > > costs of these items, so it's not too much of a leap to
> > > > expect people to pay extra for unhealthy - and
> > > > unnecessary - foods that harm people and animals, waste
> > > > resources and contribute to climate change.
> > > >
> > > > Before you balk at the thought of more taxes, consider
> > > > this: We pay a tax on gasoline in order to motivate us to
> > > > conserve fossil fuels, which in turn is aimed at reducing
> > > > pollution and combating climate change, so shouldn't we
> > > > also pay a tax on animal-based foods for the very same
> > > > reasons?
> > > >
> > > > According to the United Nations, the production of meat
> > > > and dairy foods requires more resources and causes more
> > > > greenhouse-gas emissions than the production of plant-
> > > > based foods. It takes roughly 1,000 gallons of water to
> > > > produce just 1 gallon of milk, and it takes about 11
> > > > times more fossil fuel to produce a gram of animal
> > > > protein than to produce a gram of plant protein.
> > > >
> > > > Continues at:
> > > >

> > > 21-Day Vegan Kickstart
> > >

> > Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke -- The Major Killers of
> > Americans: Research and Prevention
> >

> Beans vs. Beef Infographic

ENRICH: Increase nutrition education for medical school

Ask Your Members of Congress to Co-sponsor the EAT for
Health and ENRICH Acts

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to soc.culture.indian,,alt.religion.hindu,alt.religion.vaisnava,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,alt.animals.rights.promotion,soc.culture.usa,alt.politics.economics,soc.culture.india
external usenet poster
Posts: 73
Default Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?

Dr. Jai Maharaj posted:
> > > > > Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?
> > > > >
> > > > > By Heather Moore
> > > > > Sun Sentinel
> > > > >
> > > > > Thursday, April 16, 2015
> > > > >
> > > > > At this time of year, the last thing anyone wants to
> > > > > think about is paying more taxes. But there's one tax I'm
> > > > > in favor of - and you should be, too, if you care about
> > > > > your health and the health of the planet: a sin tax on
> > > > > meat, cheese and other animal-based foods.
> > > > >
> > > > > If Congress were to levy a 10-cent tax on every pound of
> > > > > meat sold in grocery stores and restaurants - and a
> > > > > modest sin tax on each dairy item and carton of eggs - it
> > > > > would not only stimulate the economy but also give people
> > > > > yet another incentive to give tasty vegan foods a try,
> > > > > which would then help to reduce the nation's health care
> > > > > costs and its Sasquatch-size carbon footprint.
> > > > >
> > > > > Americans have to pay excise taxes on cigarettes, alcohol
> > > > > and gasoline to help offset the health and environmental
> > > > > costs of these items, so it's not too much of a leap to
> > > > > expect people to pay extra for unhealthy - and
> > > > > unnecessary - foods that harm people and animals, waste
> > > > > resources and contribute to climate change.
> > > > >
> > > > > Before you balk at the thought of more taxes, consider
> > > > > this: We pay a tax on gasoline in order to motivate us to
> > > > > conserve fossil fuels, which in turn is aimed at reducing
> > > > > pollution and combating climate change, so shouldn't we
> > > > > also pay a tax on animal-based foods for the very same
> > > > > reasons?
> > > > >
> > > > > According to the United Nations, the production of meat
> > > > > and dairy foods requires more resources and causes more
> > > > > greenhouse-gas emissions than the production of plant-
> > > > > based foods. It takes roughly 1,000 gallons of water to
> > > > > produce just 1 gallon of milk, and it takes about 11
> > > > > times more fossil fuel to produce a gram of animal
> > > > > protein than to produce a gram of plant protein.
> > > > >
> > > > > Continues at:
> > > > >

> > > > 21-Day Vegan Kickstart
> > > >

> > > Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke -- The Major Killers of
> > > Americans: Research and Prevention
> > >

> > Beans vs. Beef Infographic
> >

> ENRICH: Increase nutrition education for medical school
> students
> Ask Your Members of Congress to Co-sponsor the EAT for
> Health and ENRICH Acts

International Conference on Nutrition in Medicine:
Cardiovascular Disease

Washington, D.C. - July 31 and August 1, 2015

The Physicians Committee invites you to register for the
International Conference on Nutrition in Medicine on July
31 - August 1, 2015 in Washington, D.C.

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to soc.culture.indian,,alt.religion.hindu,alt.religion.vaisnava,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,alt.animals.rights.promotion,soc.culture.usa,alt.politics.economics,soc.culture.india
external usenet poster
Posts: 73
Default Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?

Dr. Jai Maharaj posted:
>>>>>> Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?
>>>>>> By Heather Moore
>>>>>> Sun Sentinel
>>>>>> Thursday, April 16, 2015
>>>>>> At this time of year, the last thing anyone wants to
>>>>>> think about is paying more taxes. But there's one tax I'm
>>>>>> in favor of - and you should be, too, if you care about
>>>>>> your health and the health of the planet: a sin tax on
>>>>>> meat, cheese and other animal-based foods.
>>>>>> If Congress were to levy a 10-cent tax on every pound of
>>>>>> meat sold in grocery stores and restaurants - and a
>>>>>> modest sin tax on each dairy item and carton of eggs - it
>>>>>> would not only stimulate the economy but also give people
>>>>>> yet another incentive to give tasty vegan foods a try,
>>>>>> which would then help to reduce the nation's health care
>>>>>> costs and its Sasquatch-size carbon footprint.
>>>>>> Americans have to pay excise taxes on cigarettes, alcohol
>>>>>> and gasoline to help offset the health and environmental
>>>>>> costs of these items, so it's not too much of a leap to
>>>>>> expect people to pay extra for unhealthy - and
>>>>>> unnecessary - foods that harm people and animals, waste
>>>>>> resources and contribute to climate change.
>>>>>> Before you balk at the thought of more taxes, consider
>>>>>> this: We pay a tax on gasoline in order to motivate us to
>>>>>> conserve fossil fuels, which in turn is aimed at reducing
>>>>>> pollution and combating climate change, so shouldn't we
>>>>>> also pay a tax on animal-based foods for the very same
>>>>>> reasons?
>>>>>> According to the United Nations, the production of meat
>>>>>> and dairy foods requires more resources and causes more
>>>>>> greenhouse-gas emissions than the production of plant-
>>>>>> based foods. It takes roughly 1,000 gallons of water to
>>>>>> produce just 1 gallon of milk, and it takes about 11
>>>>>> times more fossil fuel to produce a gram of animal
>>>>>> protein than to produce a gram of plant protein.
>>>>>> Continues at:

>>>>> 21-Day Vegan Kickstart

>>>> Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke -- The Major Killers of
>>>> Americans: Research and Prevention

>>> Beans vs. Beef Infographic

>> ENRICH: Increase nutrition education for medical school
>> students
>> Ask Your Members of Congress to Co-sponsor the EAT for
>> Health and ENRICH Acts

> International Conference on Nutrition in Medicine:
> Cardiovascular Disease
> Washington, D.C. - July 31 and August 1, 2015
> The Physicians Committee invites you to register for the
> International Conference on Nutrition in Medicine on July
> 31 - August 1, 2015 in Washington, D.C.

Diabetes Resources

A plant-based diet can prevent, reverse, and manage
diabetes. Get Started - Learn the Basics:

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,alt.animals.rights.promotion,,can.politics
external usenet poster
Posts: 35
Default Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?

"BeamMeUpScotty" wrote in message ...
> It's almost funny that Liberals are too stupid to see the damage they do.
> Tax food like cigarettes to get people to quit smoking/eating right?

A few years ago Denmark instituted a food tax on butter, milk, cheese,
pizza, meat, oil and processed food if the item contains more than 2.3%
saturated fat. However, within a year the Danish Tax Ministry announced it
would abolish the fat tax,stating that it failed to change Danes' eating
habits, had encouraged cross-border trading, put Danish jobs at risk and had
been a bureaucratic nightmare for producers and outlets. Proposed sugar tax
plans were also scrapped. Although the tax resulted in an additional $216
million in revenue, it also led to a shitload of complaints from Danish
retailers that their customers were taking their business to other
countries, such as Sweden and Germany, to take advantage of their lower
What the world can learn from Denmarks failed fat tax

By Olga Khazan
November 11, 2012

The Danish tax ministry announced Saturday that it's scrapping a fat tax it
introduced in October of last year, saying the measure has only increased
companies' administrative costs and caused Danes to venture across the
border to purchase their unhealthy snacks.

"The fat tax and the extension of the chocolate tax, the so-called sugar
tax, has been criticized for increasing prices for consumers, increasing
companies' administrative costs and putting Danish jobs at risk," the Danish
tax ministry said in a statement Saturday.

The country's fat tax added 16 kroner ($2.7) per kilogram of saturated fats
in a product, and was levied on everything containing saturated fats,
including raw ingredients like butter and milk to prepared foods like

The price of a half-pound of butter, for example, rose by 2.20 kroner, or 37
cents, but apparently the larger problem was the administrative headache
food companies had to endure in order to set the new prices.

The Danish tax ministry said it was also cancelling plans to introduce a tax
on sugar, the AFP reported.

It's an interesting development at a time when the United States and other
countries are attempting to steer consumers to healthier choices with their
own counter-obesity policies.

Last year Hungary instituted a 50 U.S.-cent tax on fatty foods, plus higher
tariffs on soda and alcohol, with the proceeds going to health care costs.
Last week, senators in France called for a tax on foods with palm oil, a
levy that has been termed the "Nutella tax" after the beloved chocolaty
spread that would become pricier as a result.

Israel also is weighing a junk food tax, and in the U.K. Prime Minister
David Cameron said he was considering a fat tax similar to Denmark's,
referring to the United States in a local TV interview as a cautionary tale.

"Look at America, how bad things have got there €“ what happens if we don't
do anything? Yes, that should be a wake-up call," Cameron said.

In the United States, New York is leading the charge in the war on fat by
prohibiting artificial trans fats in restaurant foods, slapping calorie
labels on eatery menus and, most recently, adopting a controversial ban on
oversize sodas in restaurants, which is now working its way through the
state's courts. Local policymakers in Washington also have tossed around a
similar soda measure.

It's hard to predict whether these laws will actually improve public health,
though, or if they'll go the way of Denmark's failed policy.

New York's trans fat ban, which was implemented in 2006, did reduce trans
fat consumption significantly, according to a 2009 study that found that the
percent of restaurants using trans fats had decreased from 50 percent to
less than 2 percent. But calorie-labeling on restaurants menus hasn't
changed consumer purchasing decisions significantly, despite being
replicated in cities across the country.

Meanwhile, tobacco research has shown that smoking rates have dropped off
dramatically after cigarette prices rose nearly 50 percent in the past
decade, and other food studies have concluded that a 10 percent tax leads to
about a 10 percent reduction in calories consumed of the taxed product.

In Denmark, the tax might have become too unpopular because it was seen as
hurting food businesses. The Danish Food Workers Union told Food Navigator
recently that the measure had led to a loss of 1,300 retail and
manufacturing jobs there.

Denmark's obesity problem is also far less severe than U.S.'s: 13 percent of
Danes are obese, according to the Danish National Health and Medicines
Authority, compared with more than 35 percent of Americans, so the
consequences of abandoning the fat-tax initiative are arguably less dire

It could also be that Denmark's tax was just high enough to become a
nuisance for manufacturers -- and to act as an incentive for cross-border
cookie runs -- without making a significant impact on how people actually

A May British Medical Journal study found that "fat taxes" would have to
increase the price of unhealthy food by as much as 20 percent in order to
cut consumption by enough to reduce obesity, and they should be paired with
subsidies on fruits and vegetables so consumers don't swap out one unhealthy
habit for another.

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to soc.culture.indian,,alt.religion.hindu,alt.religion.vaisnava,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,alt.animals.rights.promotion,soc.culture.usa,alt.politics.economics,soc.culture.india
external usenet poster
Posts: 73
Default Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?

Dr. Jai Maharaj posted:
>>>>>> Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?
>>>>>> By Heather Moore
>>>>>> Sun Sentinel
>>>>>> Thursday, April 16, 2015
>>>>>> At this time of year, the last thing anyone wants to
>>>>>> think about is paying more taxes. But there's one tax I'm
>>>>>> in favor of - and you should be, too, if you care about
>>>>>> your health and the health of the planet: a sin tax on
>>>>>> meat, cheese and other animal-based foods.
>>>>>> If Congress were to levy a 10-cent tax on every pound of
>>>>>> meat sold in grocery stores and restaurants - and a
>>>>>> modest sin tax on each dairy item and carton of eggs - it
>>>>>> would not only stimulate the economy but also give people
>>>>>> yet another incentive to give tasty vegan foods a try,
>>>>>> which would then help to reduce the nation's health care
>>>>>> costs and its Sasquatch-size carbon footprint.
>>>>>> Americans have to pay excise taxes on cigarettes, alcohol
>>>>>> and gasoline to help offset the health and environmental
>>>>>> costs of these items, so it's not too much of a leap to
>>>>>> expect people to pay extra for unhealthy - and
>>>>>> unnecessary - foods that harm people and animals, waste
>>>>>> resources and contribute to climate change.
>>>>>> Before you balk at the thought of more taxes, consider
>>>>>> this: We pay a tax on gasoline in order to motivate us to
>>>>>> conserve fossil fuels, which in turn is aimed at reducing
>>>>>> pollution and combating climate change, so shouldn't we
>>>>>> also pay a tax on animal-based foods for the very same
>>>>>> reasons?
>>>>>> According to the United Nations, the production of meat
>>>>>> and dairy foods requires more resources and causes more
>>>>>> greenhouse-gas emissions than the production of plant-
>>>>>> based foods. It takes roughly 1,000 gallons of water to
>>>>>> produce just 1 gallon of milk, and it takes about 11
>>>>>> times more fossil fuel to produce a gram of animal
>>>>>> protein than to produce a gram of plant protein.
>>>>>> Continues at:

>>>>> 21-Day Vegan Kickstart

>>>> Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke -- The Major Killers of
>>>> Americans: Research and Prevention

>>> Beans vs. Beef Infographic

>> ENRICH: Increase nutrition education for medical school
>> students
>> Ask Your Members of Congress to Co-sponsor the EAT for
>> Health and ENRICH Acts

> International Conference on Nutrition in Medicine:
> Cardiovascular Disease
> Washington, D.C. - July 31 and August 1, 2015
> The Physicians Committee invites you to register for the
> International Conference on Nutrition in Medicine on July
> 31 - August 1, 2015 in Washington, D.C.

> Diabetes Resources
> A plant-based diet can prevent, reverse, and manage
> diabetes. Get Started - Learn the Basics:

The Beef Diet: Prescription for Disaster

By Neal D. Barnard
President, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Washington, DC

Imagine if two jumbo jets collided over a major city and,
in the resulting fireball, 4,000 people died -- it would
be a national tragedy -- one of the worst accidents ever.
People would demand that airlines and the government made
sure nothing like that could ever happen again.

A tragedy of this proportion happened the day before
yesterday. It happened yesterday, too. It will happen
again today and tomorrow. Every single day in the United
States, 4,000 lives are taken by heart attacks and almost
nothing is being done about it.

For years now, we have known of the role diet plays in
health, yet unhealthy diets are still promoted by the
government, livestock industries, advertisers, and even
doctors. Healthy diets must be presented and encouraged
by these groups if America's health care crisis is going
to be solved.

Dietary changes are worth making. Two of the three
leading killers of Americans are heart disease and
stroke. Both are linked to "hardening of the arteries" --
arteriosclerosis -- which, in turn, is largely caused by
high-fat, cholesterol-laden diets. As we all know, animal
flesh, and beef in particular, is a major source of
cholesterol and saturated fat.

The enormous toll of these diseases is taken one patient
at a time, as doctors finally give up trying to
resuscitate yet another heart that is damaged beyond
hope. The toll is also felt in the national pocketbook.
Coronary bypasses and expensive diagnostic tests are now
the budget-breaking routine in every city in America.

Many other diseases also have their roots in our daily
meals. Breast cancer, which has reached epidemic
proportions, killing one woman every twelve minutes, is
clearly related to diet. The same connections have been
drawn between diet and cancers of the colon and prostate.
In fact, according to the National Cancer Institute, some
80 percent of cancer deaths are attributable to smoking,
diet, and other identifiable and controllable factors.
Foods rich in fat and oils increase our cancer risk.
About 40 percent of all the calories we eat comes from
the fat in meats, poultry, fish, dairy products, fried
foods and vegetable oils. These fats stimulate the over-
production of hormones which encourage cancer and promote
the development of carcinogens in the digestive tract.

Not only are beef and other meats high in cholesterol and
saturated fats, but they are also low in some vital
vitamins and minerals, and they contain zero fiber.
Recently there has been enormous scientific attention
given to the role beta-carotene and other vitamins and
minerals play in blocking cancer growth. Whole grains,
fruits, legumes, and vegetables are full of vitamins and
minerals. And plant foods have fiber -- a substance
completely lacking in beef and other meats. We have long
known that fiber helps eliminate many common
gastrointestinal problems such as constipation; however,
evidence shows that it also is protective against a wide
variety of diseases ranging from colon cancer to
diabetes, and from gallstones to appendicitis. It also
binds with carcinogenic substances, bile, and excess
hormones which would otherwise rest in the digestive
tract, and moves them out of the body.

As one studies the diets of people around the world, one
thing becomes clear: as people give up traditional diets
that are low in fats, high in fiber, and predominantly
plant-based in favor of beef and other meats, the
incidence of diseases such as cancer, heart disease,
diabetes, and kidney disease rises. At the same time,
life expectancy and quality of life decline. In recent
years, Japan has been the target of American beef and
tobacco promotional campaigns that seem to be some sort
of Pearl Harbor revenge program. Members of the higher
socioeconomic strata, who are adopting Westernized diets,
have much higher rates of breast, colon, and prostate
cancer and heart disease than their counterparts who eat
less (or no) meat.

The Beyond Beef campaign is encouraging people to make
this simple change -- to step away from beef. It is a
move that is good for you, for others, for animals, and
for the environment. So live a little; try some new
cuisine; experiment with traditional and ethnic foods. It
could well help you live a lot healthier longer.

- Dr. Neal Barnard is President of The Physicians
Committee For Responsible Medicine, a nationwide group of
physicians that promotes preventive medicine and
addresses controversies in modern medicine. In April
1991, he and three other doctors unveiled a proposal to
replace the old Four Food Groups concept initiated in

In his book, "The Power of Your Plate," Dr. Barnard
documents the scientific evidence supporting a low-fat,
vegetarian diet as the most potent regimen to reduce risk
of heart disease, cancer, weight problems and food-borne
illness. Aside from serving as a practicing physician on
the faculty of the George Washington School of Medicine,
he is also an Associate Director for Behavioral Studies
at the Institute for Disease Prevention.

Dr. Barnard is a director of Behavioral Studies at the
Institute for Disease Prevention at George Washington

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
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Default OFF-TOPIC SPAM ----------------------------------------- Shouldmeat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?

On 4/17/2015 3:53 PM, Byker wrote:
> "BeamMeUpScotty" wrote in message ...
>> It's almost funny that Liberals are too stupid

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· Vegans contribute to the deaths of animals by their use of
wood and paper products, electricity, roads and all types of
buildings, their own diet, etc... just as everyone else does.
What they try to avoid are products which provide life
(and death) for farm animals, but even then they would have
to avoid the following items containing animal by-products
in order to be successful:

tires, paper, upholstery, floor waxes, glass, water
filters, rubber, fertilizer, antifreeze, ceramics, insecticides,
insulation, linoleum, plastic, textiles, blood factors, collagen,
heparin, insulin, solvents, biodegradable detergents, herbicides,
gelatin capsules, adhesive tape, laminated wood products,
plywood, paneling, wallpaper and wallpaper paste, cellophane
wrap and tape, abrasives, steel ball bearings

The meat industry provides life for the animals that it
slaughters, and the animals live and die as a result of it
as animals do in other habitats. They also depend on it for
their lives as animals do in other habitats. If people consume
animal products from animals they think are raised in decent
ways, they will be promoting life for more such animals in the
future. People who want to contribute to decent lives for
livestock with their lifestyle must do it by being conscientious
consumers of animal products, because they can not do it by
being vegan.
From the life and death of a thousand pound grass raised
steer and whatever he happens to kill during his life, people
get over 500 pounds of human consumable meat...that's well
over 500 servings of meat. From a grass raised dairy cow people
get thousands of dairy servings. Due to the influence of farm
machinery, and *icides, and in the case of rice the flooding and
draining of fields, one serving of soy or rice based product is
likely to involve more animal deaths than hundreds of servings
derived from grass raised animals. Grass raised animal products
contribute to fewer wildlife deaths, better wildlife habitat, and
better lives for livestock than soy or rice products. ·
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Default Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?

On Thu, 16 Apr 2015 20:28:13 GMT, (Dr. Jai
Maharaj) wondered:

>Should meat be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes?


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On 4/20/2015 5:27 PM, Fu lied:
> · Vegans contribute to the


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