The first choice of beautifying and nourishing face : roselle
The roselle can get our fatigue and astriction away. And it can also accelerate emiction. If you often drink it can help you depress cholesterin and glycerin trilaurate. So it can reach the goal of preventing and curing your cardiovascular disease.
The famous star Barbie: when I drink this, I will add some honey and candy. This tastes more delicious. One cup of
flower smells wonderful. When you look at the roses opening, you will feel wonderful. And you can also add some dates in the cup. I just drink the racy one without candy. And the tea which I can’t finish, I can also wash my face with this tea. The water is pompadour. And you face will become slippery. And the tea leaves can also leave behind. You can insolate and make one small pillow. Every night if you can put the pillow under your head, the quality of your sleep will rise up.
It can match the green tea. And if you infuse it without anything else,it’s ok too. One spoon of dry flower leaves and infuse with hot water. It needs only ten minutes. You can add some red sugar and honey into it.