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Dave Allison Dave Allison is offline
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Posts: 176
Default Wonder Wine kit - Anyone try these?

OK. I have finished three of these wines and wanted to report back.
At $3.25 a gallon for the instant mix - ya get what you pay for. smile.

I used the max sugar in the recipes, so maybe I went down there. But
this makes really good moon-shine. If you cut it 50% with Sauv.Blanc or
Seltzer water - it's ok. The Loganberry is best with 40% seltzer. The
cherry is best with 50% Sauv. Blanc, and the Peach, well, it will burn
the hair in your nose. Blended it's ok, but not sure looking at my Pinot
Noir or Syrah, or Pinot Grigio - why I'm drinking this "OK" wine.

My wife called it "Kool-Aid" wine. Guess it is. It is genius concept and
maybe I'll try it again with less sugar to bring it down a notch. I am
saving a bottle of each to see what it is like in a year. :*)

back to real wine kits,

p.s. I will try cooking with it next - maybe a flaming moose.

Dave Allison wrote:
> While wondering around the internet, I found this 1 gallon wine kit.
> Anyone try these before? At $3.25 for a gallon, it's a little more than
> a 6 gallon kit, but wondered if this was real poor quality, or
> interesting. smile.