Need a Better Electric Stove
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Posts: 530
Need a Better Electric Stove
On 11 May 2006 12:26:24 -0700,
>A number of people don't seem interested in answering your question.
Everyone so far hjas been addressing different aspects of the original
question -- until you popped up with your muckraking.
>Some people don' t seem to understand that for some people, flat tops
>are undesirable.
Sure we do. To each his own.
> They scratch, discolor, crack ...
I'm on my third smooth cooktop range, and I know many others with
smooth cooktops. Not one has had any of those problems.
>don't accommodate oversized pans and griddles, etc.
Dead wrong. They do this much better than cooktops with coil elements,
especially since many smooth cooktops have bridge elements. Have you
ever seen a conventional coil cooktop woith anything functionally
equivalent to a bridge element? I haven't.
-- Larry
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