Thread: The art museum
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(AlleyGator) wrote in

> Dog3 > wrote:
>>Was good today. The enchiladas at Chuys divine I did a green sauce'
>>Twas good.I do not know what Josh is up to. Gawd, I'm gonna kill him,
>>I swear.

> I assume you mean the one on Art Hill. Haven't been there since I was
> a kid. Haven't seen Forest Park in about 15 years. That is (or at
> least was) an exceptionally nice art museum for a city that size.

The museum is terrific. Art Hill is a blast when it snows. The museum has
so many neat things on display. They also have an awesome brunch if you
like the muffin thing. I'm more into the omelets and hash browns myself. I
love the place and frequent it often. I also love the zoo. I used to live
right off of Forest Park so I'm way familiar. I used to walk my dogs right
across Kingshighway. Poor Missy didn't know what grass was until we moved
here and Hoot had no idea what a yard was. My Scotties loved the park and
Missy loved to (UGH) swim in the ponds. BTW Chuy's is in Dogtown, not to
far from the museum.
