Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >, JimLane
> > wrote:
>>Faux_Pseudo wrote:
>>>_.-In rec.food.cooking, JimLane wrote the following -._
>>>>Argue with the dictionary. Personal opinions are like a++holes, everyone
>>>>has one.
>>>So offer your asshole^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H opinion on this:
>>>Is pasta with tomato sauce 'authentic' Italian?
>>>Is broccoli beef authentic Chinese?
>>Go argue with the dictionary, fool.
> From my American Heritage online dictionary, authentic is defined as:
> 1. Conforming to fact and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief:
> an authentic account by an eyewitness. 2. Having a claimed and verifiable
> origin or authorship; not counterfeit or copied: an authentic medieval
> sword. 3. Law Executed with due process: an authentic deed.
> I chopped off definitions #4 and #5, since one was about music and one was
> obsolete.
> Which one of these definitions apply, and how does it apply?
> I find it amusing that those who count on the dictionary for support often
> assume what is in it without checking. I often find that the dictionary
> doesn't support those who cite it.
I posted a definition above from the RD Oxford. Find it? Then argue with
it like the other moron.