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Charles Gifford
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"Dan Abel" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> wrote:
> > So it's snowing and the temperature is dropping rapidly. That's a
> > good sign that there won't be any fruit on the trees this year, either
> > so I'll have to buy fruit for jam. Dang. I don't think we've had a
> > crop since 1998.

> I just got back from a walk outside, in my short sleeve shirt. I saw lots
> of young ladies in shorts.
> --
> Dan Abel
> Sonoma State University

Well, it is RAINING AGAIN, here in, Sandy Eggo. Did my shopping
in shorts and short sleeves though. I got some nice asparagus for 99¢ lb.
My Coral tree is in full bloom which is odd as it still has all it's leaves.
Normally the leaves drop, then it blooms. I hope it quits raining before my
evergreen pear starts blossoming.