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Arri London > wrote:

> We just went to a dietary seminar at the local heart hospital about
> this. This information is based on their own patient statistics,

And Atkins' studies of his own patients can hardly be considered
a scientific study with random sampling. Atkins' patients may well
have responded favorably to his recommendations, but that does not
mean his findings can be generalized.

> The summary was: cut down on saturated and trans-fats, which aren't
> necessary to the diet. Cut down on refined carbohydrates, which also
> aren't necessary to the diet. Eat lots of greens, whole grains and
> fruits and vegs. Use natural vegetable oils in place of solid fats
> (including margarine) in cooking.

> Get exercise! Many of their patients bring their cholesterol ratios and
> triglycerides back into line with exercise and minor modifications of
> diet.

Which is what makes the most sense and it is also the kind of
recommendation that people can live with for a long period of time.