Thread: Ah So !
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U.S. Janet B. U.S. Janet B. is offline
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Default Ah So !

On Sun, 30 Aug 2020 21:31:24 +1000, Bruce > wrote:

>On Sun, 30 Aug 2020 04:25:41 -0700 (PDT), Bryan Simmons
> wrote:
>>On Sunday, August 30, 2020 at 5:19:47 AM UTC-5, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On Saturday, August 29, 2020 at 3:29:58 PM UTC-4, cshenk wrote:
>>> > Snag wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > Tonight's dinner offering was shrimp Lo Mein and (frozen) egg rolls .
>>> > > And since there wasn't a crumb left , I figger Mrs. Snag must have
>>> > > liked it . My goal is to match the Lo Mein we used to get at China
>>> > > Wok , the Chinese restaurant I used to deliver for . I haven't quite
>>> > > made it yet , but I'm pretty damn close ! IMO mine's better than what
>>> > > we've had at just about every Chinese food place we've tried . And
>>> > > since she's happy with it , so am I . I strive to learn new dishes ,
>>> > > last thing I want is to fall into a boring repetitive "meat loaf
>>> > > every Tuesday" menu regimen . Probably tomorrow or Sunday I will be
>>> > > making ham gumbo , using fresh okra from the garden . Speaking of
>>> > > gardens , we canned another 6 quarts of tomatoes yesterday . Some
>>> > > here think it's a waste of time to home can tomatoes , to those I say
>>> > > a hearty **** You ! I'd rather can my own and know exactly what's in
>>> > > that jar rather than use commercial that's got stuff I can't
>>> > > pronounce in the can . I also have several one gallon Ziploc bags of
>>> > > frozen tomatoes . Which I use depends on the dish being prepared .
>>> > My garden subsumbed this year sadly but the apple trees are still
>>> > producing final crop. I'm south of many of you so we crop earlier.
>>> Subsumed:
>>> include or absorb (something) in something else.
>>> "most of these phenomena can be subsumed under two broad categories"
>>> Origin
>>> mid 16th century (in the sense ‘subjoin, add’): from medieval Latin subsumere, from sub- ‘from below’ + sumere ‘take’. The current sense dates from the early 19th century.
>>> Sorry, I don't usually bother to correct people online (it would be a never-ending task), but I thought
>>> you might like to know you're misusing the word "subsume".

>>I once wrote the word intestine when I meant internecine. I don't know why, because I know both words, but I bet I'd been drinking. I'm sure she meant succumbed.

>She likes to come across smart. Hoo boy!

She is and it bothers you.
Janet US