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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Ping Gary: Rabbit?

On 12/19/2015 6:55 AM, Gary wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> While at Publix picking up my rib roast I wandered down the aisle that
>> has frozen meats. What did my little eye spy? Frozen farm raised
>> rabbit. 1 whole rabbit, cleaned and cut up. I haven't seen that in a
>> couple of decades. The price per package was an astonishing (to me)
>> $17.99. There's not a lot of meat on a a rabbit.
>> Just an FYI.

> Interesting Jill. Thanks for thinking of me. I've also seen rabbit
> meat in the grocery store but not for at least 10 years or probably
> 20. That said, they might always be there - I never look for it. I do
> know that farm raised rabbit would be more to most peoples
> liking....more fat and not as gamey tasting.
> If rabbit became popular it would probably be just as inexpensive as
> chicken. Those darn creatures breed like rabbits. heheh Because few
> buy them, the expense is high. Same with buffalo meat. Same with shark
> meat. All are good but very few people buy them so the prices are
> always high.

If rabbit became popular the price would likely skyrocket. Look what
happened with flank steak.

> Jebus can fill his freezer in one night....40 rabbits in a hunt. :-D

Is that where he's been? Hunting wabbits?

I bought rabbit back around 1995. I have no idea what I paid for it. I
browned and then braised it in light red wine. It was tasty but really
not much different from chicken.
