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Storrmmee Storrmmee is offline
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Default Butter on green beans?

man when my mom cooked we ate it or did without, we all had different
allergies, and with four of us she really worked at making food we could all
eat as a family, once and only once did i snarl my nose at something , my
dad made me eat what seemed like a ton of black eyed peas, he said, "if your
mother cooked it... the least you can do is pass it without comment, you are
not allowed to disrespect her efforts for any reason..." after that if i had
to hold my breath to get something passed me i did... he was not in the
habit of making us take food we didn't want to eat,

"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> "Evelyn" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Thu, 14 Apr 2011 15:03:29 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> > wrote:
>>>"Evelyn" > wrote in message
>>>> On Wed, 13 Apr 2011 21:16:36 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>"Evelyn" > wrote in message
>>>>>> Julie, I buy it in any liquor store. Just ask for it. It is near
>>>>>> the dessert wines. It's quite delicious and I use it in all my
>>>>>> Italian cooking.
>>>>>Oh. Well I guess that's why I've never seen it. I don't go to the
>>>> Don't get an expensive brand, get the cheap stuff. It is actually
>>>> better in cooking. Get Gallo or Sheffield, or Chef's choice, or
>>>> something like that.
>>>Thanks but I probably won't be using it. Angela has refused to consume
>>>anything with liquor in it.

>> The alcohol is totally gone in the cooking process, and honestly the
>> flavor is so improved by using the wine that I find it is worth using.
>> If it didn't improve the flavor much I wouldn't use it. I find it
>> does, though. But suit yourself, of course....

> Yeah but she still won't have it so I won't make her.