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Posted to soc.culture.indian,can.politics,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,,alt.politics
Chom Noamsky Chom Noamsky is offline
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Posts: 3
Default McCartney Presses India On vegan Day

On 1/5/2011 9:20 AM, library101 wrote:
> On Jan 4, 2:04 pm, > wrote:
>> On Jan 4, 5:46 pm, Chom > wrote:
>>> On 1/4/2011 1:19 PM, M. Ranjit Mathews wrote:

>>>> On Jan 4, 2:38 pm, wrote:
>>>>> Is there no end of westeners who want to tell india how to be more
>>>>> indian?

>>>> Paul McCartney didn't semonize to Indians on how to be either Indian
>>>> or Hindu. He told an Indian his opinion on how to save animals, health
>>>> and the environment. When he asked Canadians to stop allowing baby
>>>> seals to be clubbed to death for their pelts, was he telling Canadians
>>>> how to be Canadian and Christian?

>>> We don't club baby seals to death in Canada. That was covered in the
>>> interview discussion between Paul& Heather McCartney, Larry King, and
>>> Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams. Danny Williams made mincemeat of
>>> these two babbling elitists who think they can dictate their personal
>>> beliefs to other nations and peoples who may not share them.

>>> How is the old fox hunt going in jolly old England? Still active and
>>> legal... hundreds of hunts have taken place over the last six years...
>>> more foxes being killed by dogs than ever.

>> What are you talking about. I kill seals by harpooning them through
>> the eye. They might take longer to die that way but the flippers taste
>> just great.
>> Yes - the fox hunt. Not a lot of organized protests against the
>> bourgeoisie - is there?- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -

> I wonder what kind of people the 'whales' are used to represent.
> I think foxes represent the French.
> I think dogs (Death of Government) represent God (Government of Death)
> in German 'reverse' symbolism ?
> Are dogs also used to represent India-ns ?
> The posters in this thread who are openly advocating the killings are
> also 'killers' of the people these animals represent, in the world of
> symbolism, I believe.
> I believe the animal population is maintained in parity with the
> 'human' population of the world by these 'symbolic' people
> (Neanderthal and relations). Symbolism is critical for maintaining
> 'honesty' in the world, isn't it ? (since you cannot depend upon word
> of mouth alone - so many liars all around, aren't there ? )
> < Now you know who will 'kill' without provocation !>

Are you sure your channeling crystals have been properly calibrated?