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Becca[_2_] Becca[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 649
Default Ain't Love Grand?

Cheryl wrote:
> "Becca" > wrote in message
> ...
>> It is nice to have a supportive husband (BTW, hope you are feeling okay).
>> In the 17 months and I have been married to Husband 2.0, I have not
>> been sick, so we will wait and see. I had a root canal last week and
>> he was concerned about me. He kept asking how I was feeling for a
>> couple of days. He is a real wuss when it comes to going to the
>> dentist. He will come home, take pain medication, close the curtains
>> and go to bed. He seemed puzzled that I did not have my Rx filled and
>> I did not need to take a nap. Now, watch it just kill me on my next
>> visit. lol I hope not!
>> Becca

> I just had dental surgery on Thursday. The last quadrant of a full mouth
> of periodontal surgeries. This last time I was given a Medrol Pack and
> didn't even need the pain meds other than some ibuprofen for my tongue
> that seems to have suffered the worse of it. But the steroids created
> another set of problems. I don't know what is worse -- what the
> steroids did, or the pain I had in the other three surgeries with just
> Motrin and Tylenol 3.

My little root canal was nothing, compared to what you are going
through. I am glad your surgeries are over and I hope you heal well.

It is a coincidence that I am also taking steroids, mine is for
respiratory problems. They make me feel better, but I have a hard time
sleeping, I gain 5 pounds and I am hungry all the time. Tuesday I take
my last pill.
