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Stan Horwitz[_2_] Stan Horwitz[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 180
Default Whole Foods Worker Sacked For Stopping Shoplifter...

In article >,
George > wrote:

> Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> >
> > When I worked for Walmart as a Customer Service Manager (mid level
> > management) I was told that we could physically 'observe' someone stuff
> > goods into a bag and walk out with it but could do nothing. Corporate
> > policy was that an "Assistant Manager" or higher had to see them steal
> > before they could be stopped. Find an assistant manager on the floor at
> > any
> > time.....Good luck. So it got to a point that in the break room the
> > cashiers and the floor associates kept a tally of who saw how many people
> > steal. But come bonus time, there wasn't one because 'we allowed
> > shrink'.......go figure.

> Big box stores know that with the deep pockets they have it is cheaper
> to let someone walk away with $100 worth of stuff than to be involved
> even in token litigation for say $12,000 which I understand is the
> current amount your "council" can pretty much ask for and you will get a
> part of simply to go away.

Its a matter of risk and insurance. If that man who stopped the thief
was injured, who do you think he would sue? Yup, Whole Foods. I used to
work in a tiny convenience store. The entire store was a fraction of the
size of a Whole Foods store. Management there had the same policy. I was
robbed there once and I followed policy not to resist in any way. As a
result, I am alive and the thief made off with only around $30 because I
also followed management's policy of stuffing excess cash in the till
into the safe every chance I got.