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Sábado, 19 de junio, año 2010 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador – Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

(Feliz Día del Padre a todos en todos los lugares de las naciones, es
nuestra oración delante de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Espíritu
Santo, en el nombre glorioso y sobrenatural de nuestro Señor y
salvador Jesucristo. ¡Amén!)


You deserted the eternal Rock of the atoning blood of our heavenly
Father, who, in due time, fathered you for eternal life; you forgot
the God who gave you birth by the supernal power of His Holy Spirit of
His bread and wine over the Lord’s Table, so you may live eternally
blessed, obeying His holy and all-powerful name forever. This is the
day when our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as King Melchizedek erected
outside the city of Salem (present day Jerusalem) the Lord’s Table
thus to serve the bread and wine from heaven above, so Abram with his
one-hundred and eighteen men may become the nation of Israel and,
simultaneously, the father for multiple of nations as well.

On this day, Abram with his men as witnesses “saw the bloody crossed-
doorposts over the holy hill of Salem” bleeding the atoning blood of a
brand-new birth of the Holy Spirit for each one of them and for
nations to come well into all eternity on earth and in heaven as well,
so people may never hunger or thirst again. Indeed, at our heavenly
Father’s command from the place of the Holy of Holiest, Abram and his
men begun to eat and drink for the first time from the fruit of life
directly from the King of Salem’s wounded hands, so they may live and
never die eternally to Satan’s lie and his wicked fallen angels, for

Moreover, because Abram obeyed our heavenly Father’s perfect will for
our living souls on earth and in paradise, then He became a Father to
Israel and the families of the entire nations as well, so they may
receive faithfully each day His wonderful blessings of unfailing love
and everlasting mercies within their hearts, minds, souls, lives and
human spirit. This was a wonderful moment of truth, justice and life
for every one, because our heavenly Father’s unfailing love and
mercies manifested powerfully over His Dining Table, so people from
all walks of life may eat and drink from His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach,
Jesus Christ, thus to escape hell to enter into eternal life in
heaven, for ever and ever.

This is when our heavenly Father began to have children of His own on
earth after the image and according to the likeness of His Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, our Lord Jesus Christ, so they may continue to live
for Him each day of their entire lives by eating and drinking from His
tree of life. For this is the tree of life outside God’s celestial
Jerusalem city in heaven and the same eternal rock on earth outside
David’s city, so every man, woman and child may continue to eat from
his fruit of life, thus for all to serve daily the Holy Spirit of His
glorious name and His everlasting fulfilled commandments, for

Because, when we eat and drink from the Lord’s Table, then we are
eating and drinking from the bread and the wine of life, so we may
cease to get sick from Satan’s lie and thus begin to live within the
truth and never-ending grace of His Son Messiah, Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, that is. Indeed, this is the eternal rock with the tree of
life shining powerfully over it as in Sinai’s summit, so it may catch
the eyes of the world’s peoples thus to approach it any time from any
place to eat and drink from the Holy Spirit of the fulfilled
commandments and the glorious saving name from heaven, our heavenly

That is to say, also that the Holy Spirit of the fruit of life that
our heavenly Father called to Adam and Eve to eat in paradise, so they
may serve His glorious fulfilled commandments and His magnificent
name, indeed it is the same these days for every man, woman and child
from the nations of the entire world. This is Him, God’s Holy Spirit
that blesses your entire life only if you eat and drink from the
Lord’s Table, so your dying flesh, broken bones and ill blood full of
death may be exchanged to His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach’s holy flesh,
unbreakable bones and atoning-blood, so you may live sin free and
happy ever after into all eternity.

For this reason, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as God’s Son or King
Melchisedec has not stopped serving the families of the nations the
Lord’s table, so they may all eat continuously from the Holy Spirit of
His fruit of life, for the every day service of His glorious name all
over the entire earth. And our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach does these
wonderful things for each one of us each day of our entire lives, do
not matter where may live on earth, because we need to move from the
forbidden fruit to the fruit of life, so we may not live anymore to
curse God’s name and His commandments but to obey them always.

That is correct, we were born under the forbidden fruit, from the tree
of knowledge of good and evil to curse God’s liberating name and His
commandments, but under the outpouring of the Holy Spirit the moment
we invoke God’s Anointed One, then we are born again to serve and
honor always God’s name and His glorified commandments forever. Truly,
this is salvation at best every day of our entire life directly from
paradise for every man, woman, and child, so the nations may cease to
live in darkness by Satan’s spirit of error and of his fallen angels,
as well, that is triggering so many problems, conflicts, turmoil, and
even terrible wars unfortunately everywhere around the globe these

Inasmuch as, ever since Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of
good and evil for the beginning of human despairs and calamities,
instead of eating from the fruit of life or the Lord’s Table of the
bread and wine, for example, so they may live in peace, then Adam’s
children started to suffer lie and death everywhere. For lie is the
foundation of death within the heart and life of every man, woman and
child, so they may soon die thus to descend to the lowest part of the
Abysm, the world of the lost souls, for the final judgment and second
death in the lake of fire—for that is the final consequence of

Therefore, to live away from our heavenly Father’s Angel Son-Messiah,
the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, then we are living unfortunately chained
to Satan’s terrible lie and deadly deceptions to end lost in hell, but
with the Rebbe in our hearts and lips, then all these changes for the
goodness and unfailing love of our heavenly Father and His Holy
Spirit. Moreover, since we believe whole heartily in our heavenly
Father’s words of salvation, spoken to us through the Holy Spirit of
the life of His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, our Lord Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, then we begin to live within the Holy Spirit of truth and
justice of His holy name and fulfilled commandments, for the joy of
His righteous heart.

For our heavenly Father created each one of us to be His everlasting
joy in this life and in the next one to come as well, but only through
the Holy Spirit of the fruit of life, His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so
we may live constantly our happy lives with Him and His angelic hosts,
for ever and ever. This means these days as in the days of old in
paradise, for example, that we need to move our hearts, minds, bodies,
living souls and human spirit, under the every day shower of the Holy
Spirit of the fulfilled commandments and blessed all-powerful name, so
we may become what our heavenly Father created us to be for Him for

Indeed, then the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good
and evil will not shower us anymore from paradise with its spirit of
error, but instead the fruit from the tree of life, the Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, showers us faithfully with the Holy Spirit of faith in
God’s angelic-loved name, so we may escape Satan’s lie at once. This
is truly the only way that our heavenly Father can help each one of us
escape the daily showers of the spirit of error from the forbidden
fruit that Adam and Eve ate in paradise, so we may stop suffering
despair, turmoil, and unspeakable calamities through the days of our
entire lives on earth and beyond too.

This also means that Satan’s spirit of error that brought you so many
problems and turmoil upon your life to this day, so you may lose your
life and possessions to destruction then it will stop, so the Spirit
from the tree of life, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, will shower you
for forgiveness, unfailing love, mercies, prosperity to follow you
forever. That is why that you are people set apart from the others
that do not have much less know the Holy Spirit of the Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth, thus to
serve Him and His blessed name in obedience to His perfect
commandments on earth, in heaven and in the brand-new heavenly

Indeed, with the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach living within your heart as
David’s son, then Satan cannot touch you with his wicked spirit of
error, but instead he will flee from you with his wicked fallen
angels, so you may live peacefully under the branches of the tree of
life each day of your life, on earth and in heaven. This is the
supernatural victory that our heavenly Father granted you through His
blessed Yeshua HaMoshiach as His personal Anointed One, so no one on
earth much less in paradise may deceive you as Adam and Eve were
initially to die on earth thus for their children may also die in the
same manner or in terrible unspeakable circumstances, that is.

With our heavenly Father’s Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach living within your
heart, then you are safe from Satan’s lie and hidden attacks thus to
steal, kill and destroy you, because now the Holy Spirit is part of
your eternal life, for ever and ever, so you may live as if you were
already living in heaven and with His angels. This is the eternal life
for which our heavenly Father created you from His holy heart to live
every day in His presence, surrounded always by the supernatural
blessings of His tree of life, His Son-Messiah, Yeshua HaMoshiach, and
His faithful glorious angelic host, for example, so you may know only
goodness and love always for ages to come.

Truly, with the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach living within your heart as
God’s Son, then Satan’s hold in your life will fail and cease
immediately, so the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good
and evil will stop saturating your life with the spirit of error of
problems, difficulties, infirmities and threats of death. This means
also that our heavenly Father will bless you as you never been blessed
before with the Holy Spirit of the fruit of life from paradise or the
brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, so unfailing love, goodness and
mercies will enrich your life and of your loved ones as well these
days, and forevermore in all eternity to come.

For this reason, our heavenly Father is our true Father on earth and
in heaven these days and forevermore, so we may live each day of our
entire brand-new blessed life anointed with the Holy Spirit of His
holy name and glorified commandments that will enrich our entire human-
life continuously with the goodness of pure unfailing love and never-
ending angelic-happiness. That is to say, also that under the
forbidden fruit we are bad by default, however under the fruit from
the tree of life, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, we are good to our
heavenly Father’s blessed heart, because we eat from our eternal rock,
the God that made us born on earth to serve our heavenly Father’s name
faithfully and forever.

Knowing this powerful truth these days, then this should move us to
serve our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit name and His fulfilled
commandments with the outpouring of His Holy Spirit, liberating us
like this from the supernatural influencing power of Satan’s spirit of
error, so we may stop suffering sin and pain thus to live in peace and
prosperity each day. For this is what our heavenly Father wants His
sons and daughters to have everywhere and always the goodness and
mercies of an unfailing-love that has no beginning much less an end in
this life and in the next one to come, for those that love Him in the
spirit and in the truth of His Son Angel-Messiah.

In other words, with the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach living within our
hearts as God’s Son, then protected and blessed we are all the time on
earth and in heaven as in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above
thus to know only truth, justice, love, prosperity and eternal
happiness of our living souls; but with Satan’s lie we die lost every
day. Because, the truth is also that each one of us, beginning with
Adam and Eve, lives under the tree of the forbidden fruit of knowledge
of good and evil that causes so many problems, difficulties,
deceptions, infirmities and even death on earth and beyond eternity as
well as in hell, so we may never see blessings and life, forever.

However, the moment we invoke the blessed name of our heavenly
Father’s Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as His Son, so we may be reeborn not
under the shadow of the forbidden fruit, but from under the fruit of
the tree of life saturated with blessings and life each day and
forevermore, then truly we will see and know life as never before.
Indeed, our eyes will open to a brand-new life never known by any one
before on earth or paradise, because this glorious life it is not
lived by any one or angels, except by our heavenly Father, His Son
Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit only, so with our Father living
within us then we have a brand-new happy life forever.

Moreover, our heavenly Father will do these wonderful and supernatural
mercies of unfailing love with each one of us, beginning with Adam and
Eve, because under the forbidden fruit we will continue to live cursed
our entire life finally to suffer death in hell, but under the tree of
life we know and live life as never before, forever and ever.
Truthfully, our heavenly Father never wanted to see any of His
children died deceived by Satan’s lie and terrible hidden deceptions,
but instead, He wanted each one to be as His Son King Messiah, so they
may convey within them His image thus to live always according to His
wonderful likeness for the glory and honor of His all-powerful name.

That is to say, also that when our heavenly Father moves us from under
the forbidden fruit finally to live under the fruit of life, then we
will not only be born again within the Holy Spirit of His living Law
and blessed name, but also we will continue to live blessed our entire
life, on earth and in heaven too. Because, when we came into the
world, we were born by the default from under the forbidden fruit to
continue to suffer sin and deadly destruction on earth and beyond
eternity, however when we recognize within our hearts and confess with
our lips the holy name of our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as God’s Son,
then we are born again heavenly-bound forever.

Moreover, this means that we can all reenter the glorious brand-new
life from heaven above as paradise or as the brand-new celestial
Jerusalem, for example, even though we are still living our normal
life on earth these days but with power this time, so we may never
suffer sin and death anymore forever, in all the brand-new eternity to
come. Indeed, with our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach living within our
hearts as God’s anointed Son or Israel’s Blessed One, then we are not
longer subject to the terrible curses of the forbidden fruit, from the
tree of knowledge of good and evil, but we are instead subject each
day of our lives to the blessings of the fruit of life forever.

Amazingly, this is why that our heavenly Father’s Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach as His Anointed One living within our hearts and human
spirit, then it will make a big difference for the goodness of our
entire life and of our loved ones as well, for the ultimate glory and
honor of our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit blessed name and glorified
commandments. That is why that our heavenly Father began to bless
humankind, the day our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach served the Lord’s Table
to Abram and his men as the King Melchisedec of Salem (ancient
Jerusalem), so they may all live blessed for the fruit of life, Jesus
Christ of Nazareth, and never die to the terrible curses of the
forbidden fruit.

Indeed, this is when our heavenly Father created Israel after the
glorious desire of his blessed heart, a nation after His heart, so His
Messiah may be born among them as the Great savior for the forgiveness
of sin and the eternal blessing of salvation of the living soul of
every man, woman and child of the entire world. On this day, also our
heavenly Father became our God and Father for Israel and the nations
as well but only under the rebirth from the Holy Spirit of the fruit
of life, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so we may live liberated from
Satan’s lie thus to live under the supernatural powers of the
unfailing love from heaven above only.

That is why, that it is important for each one of us to eat and drink
from the Lord’s Table always that is the eternal rock with the crossed
dead trees of Adam and Eve with King Melchisedec nailed to them by his
holy hands and blessed feet, so they may become born again miracously
into the tree of life forever. Truly, nailed we are also to the tree
of life, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, the moment we invoke his holy
name within our hearts and confess him before our heavenly Father for
the glory and honor of His everlasting name that lives in perfect
sanctity within the heart and atoning-blood of His Son Messiah, Jesus
Christ of Nazareth!

Therefore, to believe within our hearts and confess the Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach as God’s Son or David’s Son, for example, then removed we
are immediately from under the forbidden fruit thus to be born again
within the fruit from the tree of life, our Lord and savior Jesus
Christ of Nazareth, so we may live and never die eternally. And this
is to be born again for heaven within the Holy Spirit of the fruit of
life that it is in turn the Holy Spirit of the fulfilled and glorified
commandments and His blessed name in us, so we may lastly serve our
heavenly Father as we ought to do always on earth and in heaven,
forever and ever.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father is our Father these days
and forevermore, because we are now born again to live blessed each
day of our entire lives on earth and in heaven as in the brand-new
Jerusalem from heaven above, because the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach is
our eternal savior for ages to come into all eternity. This also means
to each one of us, whether we are Hebrews or Gentiles from all the
families of the nations that our heavenly Father will continue to be
our Father and God, because our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach taught us that
there is no one greater than him, except his Father and God that is in

Moreover, since our heavenly Father is the Father and God of our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach then He also is our Father and God, because we have
believed and received His unfailing love and truth within our hearts,
so He may forgive our sins and bless our entire lives on earth and in
heaven as well, for all eternity to come. Truly, these days mightily
blessed we are, perhaps more than angels, because we are reborn from
within the Holy Spirit of the tree of life, our Lord and savior Jesus
Christ of Nazareth, so Satan and his lie do not affect our lives
anymore as when we were living without the knowledge of the saving
grace of His Son Angel-Messiah.

This means that the spirit that showered our lives from heaven is not
longer the forbidden fruit, but the fruit from the tree of life, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so enriched we may be within the Holy Spirit
of the glorified commandments and with the blessed name as well thus
to serve always with honor and sanctity our heavenly Father. This also
means that the curses from the forbidden fruit cannot come down with
God’s wrath anymore upon us as when Satan’s lie ruled our lives on
earth, but now we have the faithful forgiveness filled with the Holy
Spirit of our heavenly Father’s unfailing love thus to heal and bless
our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human spirit continuously.

For these are the blessings of life, love, peace, prosperity and
happiness that our human spirit has always craved for through the
ages, since the day our heavenly Father fashioned each one of us in
His image and according to His likeness, for example, so we may love
and serve faithfully the Holy Spirit of His commandments and His
blessed name. With our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of His fulfilled
commandments and blessed name by our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach living
within our hearts and living souls as God’s Son or as David’s Son, for
example, then we escape Satan’s lie and hidden tricks thus really to
live fruitfully our true celestial life, overflowing with unfailing
love and faithfulness, forever and ever.

Because, our heavenly Father is our genuine life and love within our
hearts and entire human spirit, so we may escape Satan’s wicked life
and tricks thus to live blessed each day under the showering Holy
Spirit of miracles, marvelous signs and great wonders from heaven
above and on earth for the ultimate glory and honor of His blessed
name. Truthfully, with the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach living within our
hearts as God’s Holy One or Israel’s Holy One, then protected we are
continuously from Satan’s lie and wicked terrible deceptions that
curses us day and night, and without mercy into hell, so we may really
live at last liberate as the angels for a brand-new everlasting
service to our heavenly Father.

That is why, that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach commanded us never to
call any one our father, because our true Father from where we all
came from initially to live, whether in paradise or on earth these
days, indeed it is Him our heavenly Father, so we may live protected
constantly under His blessed name from all lies and hidden wickedness.
Therefore, only our heavenly Father is our God and Father of our
living souls on earth and in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven
above, where everything is truth, prosperity and love for every one,
so He may forgive our sins and bless our living souls, minds, bodies
and human spirit as never before and well into all eternity to come.

Truthfully, this Father’s Day it is a wonderful opportunity for you
and your loved ones to call our heavenly Father your God and Father
through our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach’s blessed presence that gives you
without measure of his Spirit of the fulfilled commandments and the
blessed name, so you may finally find peace and love within your human
spirit for eternity. Just let the Spirit of the fulfilled commandments
and the blessed name engulf your entire life within the presence of
His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as His Anointed One or as The Blessed One
for Israel and the nations, so you may live the true life that you
ought to live already in His presence these days and forevermore in

Because, in the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach you fulfilled perfectly well
our heavenly Father’s will to know His Anointed One within your heart
and human spirit, moreover you fulfilled and obeyed thoroughly the
Holy Spirit of the commandments and His blessed name, so you may enjoy
life without evil each day, and forevermore in all eternity to come as
well. Now that you know that our heavenly Father is not only your
Creator but also your Father and God through His glorious fruit from
the tree of life, then you have power to fulfill and glorify greatly
His Holy Spirit of the commandments thus to obey supernaturally as
angels do in heaven His sacred name, so blessings may enrich you

Amen! Happy Father’s Day to every one everywhere, and give your father
and mother a hug filled with the mighty Holy Spirit of the fulfilled
and glorified commandments in Jesus Christ of Nazareth thus to obey
supernaturally and powerful our Almighty God, the Creator of the
heavens and the earth with everything in them for the service of His
majestic name.

Happy Father’s Day to everyone everywhere! And remember God Almighty
is your legitimate Father (you came out of Him in heaven) on earth, in
paradise, and within the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven, thanks to
the wonderful faithful work of His beloved Son Jesus Christ of

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of

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