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Julie Bove Julie Bove is offline
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Default boiled potatoes in slow cooker?

"Sheldon" > wrote in message

> That's not true for potatoes no matter how they're cooked, unattended
> they're very likely to become mush, actually they'll probably
> disintergrate and all you'll end up with is thin library paste. No,
> you won't burn your house down so it will be safe, but all you'll
> accomplish is having a bigger clean up, a waste of electricity, and
> need to eat at the fast food dive down the road.

I've done them in the slow cooker many times. In this house when I make a
pot roast, so much meat gets eaten, I need a separate pot to do the potatoes
in. I do them on high for an hour or two and then turn it down to low. I
start them around breakfast time. They are done by dinner time. Not mushy.
Works best with whole potatoes I think. Small ones.