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Default Looking for Culture in the SF Bay Area

> Noam Livnat

I live in SF, unfortunately my active culture is long gone. You can
make it yourself quite easily. This is a recipe from Alaska Sourdough
cooking book:

2 cups thick potato water
2 tbsp. sugar
2 cups flour
OPTIIONAL: 1/2 tsp. yast

Boil potatoes w/jackets on until they fall to pieces. Lift skins out,
mash potatoes making a puree. Cool. Add more water to make up the 2
cups if necessary. Richer the potato water; richer the starter.

Add all ingredients, beat until smooth creamy batter. Then cover with
a cotton dish towel or cheesecloth. Set aside in a warm place to
start fermentation.

Yeast spores live in the air. I do this step in a wide bowl so the
little devils can just fly right on in. It may take a couple of days
for it to get all bubbly.

When you need to refurbish, add 2 cups water to 2 cups flour and 2
tbsp sugar to the original starter. Again, let it sit warm for a
couple of days.