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MareCat wrote:
> We live 40 miles north of the center of Houston, and we're staying (many
> of our neighbors and friends in this area are staying as well). We're
> far enough in-land that we'll be OK. Anyway, we couldn't get out now if
> we wanted to. The freeways have been clogged since early yesterday.
> Depending on how the aftermath is (with electricity, water, etc

You'll probably be fine as far inland as you are, but anything is
possible so be prepared for all contingencies, including having your
vehicle tank full and plenty of extra gasolene in approved fuel
carriers, in case you eventually need to get out there may be no fuel
available for many miles.... and it's wise to park your vehicle on as
high ground as possible within walking distance from your house and not
near any trees/power poles. Parking on your own property may be your
worst choice, instead find somewhere with easy access to an interstate,
often the streets in residential areas become impassable. And if you
own a chain saw (everyone in windstorm prone areas should own at least
a small one) have it at the ready, fully fueled, and make sure it
starts. Also have a stock of non perishable foods (cans), water (fill
your largest pots), candles, matches, flashlights, portable radio,
batterys, first aid kit, all necessary prescription drugs.

Lung Guylanders know all about storm preparedness... and not only
hurricanes, nor'easters too.

>From following the media I'm just amazed at how totally unprepared

southerners are... it's like they're brain dead, really... most
especially their elected officials, what were they thinking... oh, they
cant. Even now as I listen to the news, it's patently obvious they
have no plan, never ever even made an a attempt at a plan, NONE! For
years, for decades it was known they are located on a vast floodwater
plain, much below sea level, what did they do to protect their cities
over the decades, absolutely NADA... don't even have minimum building
codes for residences. So they built a few fercocktah berms, and have
the unmitigated gall to call them levees.. those toys r us mounds are
tantamont to building speed bumps to stop a sherman tank.

If those southerners act as slow as they talk a lotta them gonna die...
I mean they speak like five miles an hour in a 55mph zone... listening
to them stumble over their own tongues with their twangy long drawn out
draaaaaaawls gives me a headache... by the time those grits munchers
say hello it's time to go.

Sheldon Y'all