Monsur Fromage du Pollet wrote:
> (AlleyGator) wrote in
> :
> > I'm sure I told you all that back near the first of November, we
> > rescued a freezing, starving Boxer dog. Good grief, what a stroke
> > fortune. I have had many dogs in my life and currently have 3
> > great dogs, but this "gentleman" is more than I ever hoped for. I
> > have a potentially fatal affliction (don't mourn, just get over it
- I
> > have) At this moment, as I type, he is trying to get me to "play"
> > which, OMG is an invitation for stiches. OK, I have to go deal
> > the mutt - just rest assured that if you are looking fer yer first
> > - a Boxer is the way to go. Loyal beyond belief. If I'm sick in
> > He's at my feet and anyone who enters the room gets a facefull of
> > teeth and growl until he figures that theyre really supposed to be
> > there. Dang, get a dog - that's all I can say.
> >
> My Black Lab killed one boxer outright and maimed another so bad it
> put down. This happened when I was 12 and the owner sicced the 2 on
> So you can see why I prefer labs...Quebec Retrievers to be more
Sheesh... why the need to have violent pets... why not just have an