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Rudy Canoza
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Ron AGAIN showed he doesn't really want adult
engagement and wrote:

> In article t>,
> Rudy Canoza > wrote:
>>Ron wrote:
>>>In article >,
>>> Rudy Canoza > wrote:
>>>>Ron wrote:
>>>>>In article >,
>>>>>"rick etter" > wrote:
>>>>>>>>We already know what your mental illness has shown, queer-boy...
>>>>>>>We'll ring a bell when we want you to respond, rick.
>>>>>>Ah, yes, your tinker-bell syndrome. I don't think so, pansy-boy. Maybe
>>>>>>works for your HIV infected fudge packers, but it doesn't cut it here.
>>>>>Drop the charade rick. You'll be a much nicer person once you come out
>>>>>of the closet.
>>>>And AGAIN, we see Ronnie attempting to insult someone
>>>>by suggesting the person is homo.
>>>Being *** or assuming one is *** isn't an insult.

>>You are using it as an insult. You cling to a bigoted
>>caricature of men who insult homos, and you
>>automatically assume that you can insult them by
>>suggesting they are themselves ***. It is powerful
>>evidence of your hatred of your own sexuality.

> I live in a culture where we also have turned previously negative
> comments and use them regularly, A friend calls me homo or fag and I
> call her dyke.

You exhibit self-loathing, not curiosity.

>>>I like it when you refer to me as homo and such.

>>Sure you do.