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Default Non-Service Dogs in Grocery Stores

On Sat, 12 Jun 2021 01:40:15 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:

>On Friday, June 11, 2021 at 6:31:08 PM UTC-4, Sqwertz wrote:
>> Is this just an Austin, Texas phenomenon, or do a lot of people in
>> other states take their obviously non-service dogs into grocery
>> stores too?
>> Some dogs sit in carts or the baby seats, some get blankets to make
>> them comfy, some are being clutched to chests, some peek out of
>> purses, and even others are on 8-14 foot leashes - sometimes 2 or 3
>> wide at a time in the aisles so nobody can get past them. And any
>> number of them can be barking, yapping, or growling at other
>> customers or dogs at any given time.
>> Is this just as common in others cities and states? Do you or
>> somebody you know take your non-service dog into a grocery store?
>> Why?

>I can't recall the last time I saw a dog of any sort in any store. A local...
>garden supply, I guess, has a cat. Since it used to be "Hertler's Feed Store",
>the tradition may have started by the Hertlers keeping a mouser. Now
>it's all yuppified (can we still call it "yuppies" when we've all got gray
>hair?), but they still have a cat.
>OTOH, perhaps the people who grocery-shop at 6 or 7 am just aren't
>the sort to bring their purse dog. Their appearance suggests they're more
>likely to leave their rottweiler at home to guard their trailer.
>Cindy Hamilton

Cats in a garden store are traditional/useful.
Janet US