Thread: A challenge
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Dave Smith[_39_] Dave Smith[_39_] is offline
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Default A challenge

On Wed, 9 Jun 2021 20:11:32 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 6/8/2021 1:28 PM, Snag wrote:
>> Oh he has the right to his opinion , he just has no right to force me to
>> think like he does . And I'm not ****ed , I'm more amused than anything
>> that such a simple innocuous statement can make him go off the deep end
>> and start foaming at the mouth .
>> * And you've got to admit , if you aren't a racist , it doesn't matter
>> what color skin a person has . You'll judge him or her by their character .
>> --
>> Snag

>Bryan is trying to garner attention because so many of us got sick of
>his ranting about Kuthe and 14 year old girls we killfiled him rather
>than his personal nemesis. That's a private vendetta he keeps trying to
>promote here which got old very fast.
>I don't care or even think about a person's skin colour. You're exactly
>right, it depends on character and how people treat people.

Ask them, theyre here. "You can stop saying that now. Thank you."
Not Dave Smith