Biden shoots back at Russia
On 4/16/2021 7:03 AM, GM wrote:
> On Friday, April 16, 2021 at 6:31:40 AM UTC-5, Gary wrote:
>> Lucretia Borgia wrote:
>>> Well done, a president who calls Russia on its interference in US
>>> affairs. I see UK is in accord, hope Canada follows.
>> You're serious, aren't you?
>> The USA has a long history of interfering in/manipulating other
>> country's governments.
>> This time Russia does it to us.
>> "Boo hoo (sob). That's not fair." lol
>> Careful there, Joe. Putin is a pit bull and he does bite.
> Sloppy Joe couldn't find Russia on a map, lol...
His handlers think Russia worked against him in the election. But they
ignore those countries that worked in their favor.