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Default Anthony Bourdain RIP

On Fri, 8 Jun 2018 23:22:28 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On 6/8/2018 9:08 PM, Cheri wrote:
>> I don't know about either of them, but I do know that some people opt
>> for assisted suicide with the full support of their families when ill. I
>> couldn't venture a guess as to why someone chooses to end their life,
>> many times for something only known to them. I have nothing but
>> compassion for these troubled souls.
>> Cheri

>I can, under certain circumstances, understand assisted suicide. I've
>seen people in bed in extreme pain from cancer for weeks. They are not
>going to be cured or get any better. If they want to cut short a couple
>of weeks, good for them.
>Easy to be critical of others but I'm not going to condemn them. I have
>no idea what is going on in their head or why. It certainly is not

I agree with you Ed, all this speculation about a person nobody here
really knows! I can't believe someone takes that step without really
believing its for the best, therein lies the tragedy for him and all
his family.

I believe firmly in assisted death but we are still in the early
stages here in Canada, hope we progress to the level of the
Netherlands and Switzerland quickly.