Thread: Air Fryers
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Default Air Fryers

On 2 Jan 2018 18:15:47 GMT, notbob > wrote:

>On 2018-01-02, Cindy Hamilton > wrote:
>> Food in an air fryer is sprayed lightly with oil.

>The above link sez absolutely nothing about foods being "sprayed
>lightly with oil". It's a question I've asked 'at least once!' in
>this thread. Is this 3.2 qt "Oil-Less" air-fryer actually
>oil-less or not!?
>IOW, quit playing footsie with Shelly and answer the question!

"sprayed lightly" is a totally meaningless term, each person's lightly
is different. She can't answer the question because she can't cook
(not a lick), hasn't a clue. That URL says exactly what I already
posted, air fryers require oiling the food, otherwise it's NOT
fried... how much oil is the quantity that would be sufficient to
produce the same results as tradionally fried food. Personally I
don't want a gizmo that encourages eating fried food. I eat very
little fried foods, eggs is about all I fry, and then I blot them on
paper towels in a paper plate. Most of the meats I cook are in
stews/soups, thereby making it very easy to skim off what quantity I
consider excess fat, which is most. I fry burgers, however it's meat
I grind myself of cuts that are very lean... if I want juicy burgers I
top them with sauted onions that are sauted in no cholesterol olive
oil and then I drain them by leaving the pan tilted so the excess oil
can run off, with most of the moisture being the water contained in
onions. I make a concerted effort to reduce my/our fat consumption.
Having a contraption that makes it convenient to fry foods and that
also promotes healthfulness by LYING about fat content is something I
don't want... I can see folks stuffing their maws with air fried spuds
thinking they contain fewer calories than fried spuds from fast food
joints... simpletons!