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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default So, the Sterling Silver

On 2017-04-21 4:43 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 4/21/2017 4:34 PM, Dave Smith wrote:

>> We generally carve at the table. My Henckles carving knife does a much
>> better job of carving. IMO a fancy stag handle does not make it more
>> suitable for company.

> You see carving at the table on TV where day stands at the head and
> makes it a big event.

It was never a big event in my family, or in my wife's. It was just the
way it was done. However, if we have a lot of people over I prefer to do
it in the kitchen. Aside from making things run more smoothly, I get to
eat relatively undisturbed. If you do it at the table you are just
starting to get yours at long last and it may be time to start serving

> I find it much easier to do in the kitchen where I have a cutting board
> at the ready and a warm plate to put the meat on. This is especially
> tru where it is best to cut off a large piece and then cut it to smaller
> portions.
> Years ago the was the "Beef & Beer" pub we went to at times. They had a
> big steamship round and the carver wore his whites and the tall hat and
> carved the meat for your sandwich. Nice show and really good beef too.