Thread: OT Straws?
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default OT Straws?

On 2016-09-16 3:59 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 9/16/2016 12:56 PM, Gary wrote:
>> We can all do our part to save the earth by boycotting straws. :-D

> And school buses. Let the kids walk!


Let them walk at least a short distance. I have been stuck behind school
buses a few times and it is exasperating. I have been stuck behind them
in the morning when the bus stops, lights flashing and stop arm out...
no kid. The bus sits there, holding up traffic. Then some kid finally
comes out of the house, dawdles up the the bus, to a seat, sits down.
The bus finally turns off its lights, starts to move. It goes two
driveways down the road and the slow process starts all over again.

It is just as bad in the afternoon. The bus stops and sits there with
the lights flashing. You sit there and watch, and nothing is happening.
After a minute or two one of the kids at the back gets up heads to the
front, stopping to talk to more people along the way. Finally, the
lights go off and the bus starts rolling, but then it stops two or three
driveways later and the whole process is repeated.

If I ran the world the buses would stick to a schedule and the kids
would be standing by the side of the road waiting for the bus. No
kids... no stop. On the afternoon run the bus would stop at the
designated place and if there was no movement from the back of the bus
within 10 seconds, the lights would go off and the bus would start
moving again. I am pretty sure that it would take only a couple missed
buses or missed stops and the little darlings would learn to to be out
there on time and to get off at their stops.