Thread: OT Straws?
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default OT Straws?

On 2016-09-16 12:47 PM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:

>> "We consume 500 million straws each day. The equivalent of 127 school buses
>> filled with straws. Its disgusting. There should be children in those
>> school buses, going to school, to learn, not straws."

> It was a stupid, mixed metaphor.
> I believe we could do with a lot fewer straws. I took great pains to
> learn to drink from an actual cup. Why do so many adults still use
> a straw? It's just like using a "sippy cup".
> Granted, they're useful, for example, in hospitals when someone
> is holding the cup for you, or you can't coordinate all of those
> familiar actions yourself.
> If I had a nickel for every time I've gotten a straw in a restaurant
> and just pushed it aside, I could retire. It happened just last weekend
> at our nearby Thai place.

Straws were fun when I was a kid, but I have grown up. I hate those
silly little straws they put in drinks in bars. They may be handy for
drinking milkshakes, but I have not had one of those in years. I had
to buy some straws last year when my wife had retinal surgery and had to
keep her head facing down for 10 days.