Thread: Salad Dressing
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Salad Dressing

Koochie wrote:
>Dave Smith wrote:
>>BBQ wrote:
>>> I'm preparing a steak, and with it I want a salad.
>>> Of course I need salad dressing as well.
>>> I want it creamy and rich, but without adding all of the fat, so I
>>> simply use a mixture of half mayonnaise and half greek yogurt. The
>>> greek yogurt is a healthy alternative to using all mayonnaise as there
>>> is less cholesterol.
>>> How are your salad dressings?

>>If you want rich and creamy without the fat you should consider Ranch
>>dressing. It is made with buttermilk, which is low fat.

>Anyone who says Ranch dressing is low fat is talking out their ass!

Being a cowgirl you would know... ranch is the most lubricious anal