Thread: into and over
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default into and over

Cheri wrote:

>"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 12/21/2014 12:51 AM, Cheri wrote:
>>>> There is a butcher shop near me that has wonderful meat, but...sometimes
>>>> one of the owners uses bare hands to grab the meat, and the other one
>>>> always wears gloves. They have wonderful olives and things like that
>>>> that are jarred, so if "barehands" is behind the counter, I don't buy
>>>> meat. I think it's disgusting.
>>>> Cheri
>>> Never bothered me. I'd rather you use your washed hands than a glove
>>> that has picked up all sort of contaminants. You really don't know where
>>> those gloves may have been.

>> I have seen them touch all sorts of things with gloves on. Even money!

>I haven't.

I've seen it at most delis... in fact they remove the gloves, lay them
down on an unclean surface to do something and then put the same used
gloves back on to slice coldcuts. Next time you're at a deli stay
alert and watch, clerks are constantly wiping those gloved hands on
their dirty apron. What's the point of gloves when they are
constantly picking up dirty handled knives and spoons.