On 12/17/2014 9:50 PM, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> On 2014-12-17 17:47:21 +0000, Brooklyn1 said:
>> Bullshitting about what, rice... by now you should know better than to
>> think I'd claim having something in my pantry I can't prove... this is
>> what I have remaining until the next supply (about 6 lbs), will likely
>> be 2-3 years yet, I don't use much wild rice, I may not even ask for
>> more, I'm not all that fond of wild rice, it's not at all flavorful,
>> it adds a particular texture is all:
>> http://i57.tinypic.com/2qvuk36.jpg
> It's marked long grain but it looks broken, sold as "soup rice" and less
> expensive. Have you ever had the lake grown, hand harvested, hand
> winnowed, and parched over a wood flame? It's pretty good. '-)
Yep, it looks like the bag of broken wild rice Damsel once sent to me.
Pretty much only good for soup or for a *homemade* version of Uncle
Ben's white & wild seasoned rice. Broken wild rice is for when pretty
doesn't matter.