On 2014-12-15 23:43:33 +0000, Oregonian Haruspex said:
> On 2014-12-15 21:20:12 +0000, jmcquown said:
>> I've been craving this soup. It's been years since I made it.
>> http://www.food.com/recipe/byerlys-w...ce-soup-178083
>> Byerly's Wild Rice Soup
> I grew up a couple miles from the original Byerly's in Golden Valley,
> MN. My mom and Don Byerly came to know each other well, and he often
> treated us to meals in the (formerly) upscale restaurant in the store.
> The store wasn't just a place to buy stuff - gourmet cooking classes
> were offered, anything could be obtained by special order, and Don
> gainfully employed many mentally and physically handicapped people from
> the area. Unfortunately since the Lund's buyout the store has declined
> in quality somewhat, but you can still get excellent quality meat and
> seafood at the butcher's counter.
> The key to making proper Byerly's wild rice soup is to use the correct
> wild rice. You must obtain the longer, slow-toasted grained wild rice
> harvested by many Ojibwe Indian nations. It is vastly superior to the
> commercially raised, hard, shiny black rice (we call that junk paddy
> rice in MN) and once you have it you will never buy paddy rice again.
I agree that the lake-grown rice is superior, but I've never heard the
other referred to as "junk paddy rice." (And I've always thought
their deli food was greatly overrated.) I buy my wild rice at
Northland Native American (Products?) on 14th and Franklin. It's now
about $12/lb, about the price it was in the 1950s.
www.barbschaller.com, last update April 2013