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Julia Altshuler
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Default How do you say cauliflower

jmcquown wrote:

> Two women in an airport, one of them from the south. She says to the
> northern woman, where are you from? The northern woman looks down her nose
> and says snootily "I am FROM a place where we don't end a sentence with a
> preposition". The southern woman thinks for a moment, then says, "Okay,
> where you from, Bitch?"

That's not the 2 women at the airport joke. That one goes like this:

Two women are chatting while waiting for a flight at the airport. One
says that she's from such a small town that no one ever locks their car
doors-- except in the summer. The other nods sympathetically and says
crime must increase in the tourist season. "No, no," exclaims the
other. "It's just that someone might come and fill it with zucchini."
