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Dr. Jai Maharaj[_1_] Dr. Jai Maharaj[_1_] is offline
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Default The Meat-Free Life: Five Reasons to be a Vegetarian and Ten Reasons Against Eating Meat

The Meat-Free Life: Five Reasons to be a Vegetarian and
Ten Reasons Against Eating Meat

Hinduism Today Magazine

There are more than a few Hindus today who guiltily
abandoned the vegetarian ways of their own parents and
grandparents when they decided to be “secular” and
“modern.” But our ancient seers had it right when they
advocated living without killing animals for food. Today
vegetarianism is a worldwide movement with adherents
among all religions, daily gaining converts through one
or more of the five basic reasons to adhere to a meatless
diet: dharm, karm, consciousness, health and
environment. Each is explored in the following pages,
which conclude with an examination of the harmful effects
of eating meat.

Continues he

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti