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Default Char Broil Silver Smoker 492 or 738 sq inches?

On 7-Jul-2004, Dana Myers > wrote:

> M&M wrote:
> > Damn Dana, It's 2:30AM and I just got all nasty from measuring
> > the bottom grates in my NBS. They're 10.5" X 13.5" X 2 = 283.5".
> > With the 492 Sq In on top that gives you 775.5 Sq In of cooking
> > area in the smoking chamber.

> So, I just had to measure mine, too. I have a stock Charbroil
> Silver Smoker, essentially an NBS. Three grates were supplied;
> two of them are slightly larger than 16" x 16", or in^2.
> The third grate is narrower (so it can be inserted into the
> firebox opening) at 16" x 15" or 240 in^2. It wouldn't
> surprise me if the 492 in^2 number was determined using the
> slightly narrow grates or some allowing for spacing around
> the edges of the cook chamber were made.
> The firebox grate seems to be almost exactly the 238 in^2
> I'd expected.
> Cheers!
> Dana

I didn't get the narrower cooking grate with mine. A standard
grate can be fitted into the firebox, but it's a bitch and I can't
do it once the firebox is hot. Consequently, any grilling that I
do is done in the cook chamber.

M&M ("When You're Over The Hill You Pick Up Speed")