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Glen Glen is offline
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Posts: 32
Default The 'vegan' shuffle

On 07/03/2012 18:01, Derek wrote:
> On Wed, 07 Mar 2012 09:20:03 -0800, George > wrote:
>> On 3/7/2012 9:01 AM, Derek wrote:
>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2012 08:42:45 -0800, George > wrote:
>>>> On 3/7/2012 6:03 AM, Derek wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 06 Mar 2012 13:45:21 -0800, George > wrote:
>>>>>> On 3/6/2012 1:09 PM, Derek wrote:
>>>>>>> On Tue, 06 Mar 2012 11:04:01 -0800, George > wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 3/6/2012 10:25 AM, Derek wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 06 Mar 2012 12:35:28 +0000, > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 06/03/2012 03:35, George Plimpton wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> They are? So, if you admit that *some* of your vegetables cause animal
>>>>>>>>>>> death - and they do - then you're a murderer, right?
>>>>>>>>>> No. If I personally killed them or paid a food producer to kill them
>>>>>>>>>> on my behalf then yes I would be a murderer like you. I or rather
>>>>>>>>>> Derek explained this to you last time I was here.
>>>>>>>>>> __________________________________________________ ____
>>>>>>>>>> Meat eaters who fail to justify the deaths accrued during the
>>>>>>>>>> production of their food often try to head off any criticism from
>>>>>>>>>> vegans by demanding that they too must accept liability for the deaths
>>>>>>>>>> accrued during the production of their food. Farmers, they say, who
>>>>>>>>>> kill animals collaterally while producing vegetables, are under the
>>>>>>>>>> employ of vegetarians, just as farmers who kill animals to produce
>>>>>>>>>> meat are under the employ of meat eaters. The liability for these
>>>>>>>>>> animal deaths in both food groups is identical, they say, and the
>>>>>>>>>> vegan therefore has no grounds for criticising the meat eater. But
>>>>>>>>>> this is a dishonest argument which relies on ignoring the relationship
>>>>>>>>>> between the consumer (employer) and the farmer (employee). Unlike the
>>>>>>>>>> servant or agent who acts directly under his employer's dictates, the
>>>>>>>>>> farmer is an independent contractor who carries out his job according
>>>>>>>>>> to his own method. From Wiki;
>>>>>>>>>> [Historical tests centered around finding control between a supposed
>>>>>>>>>> employer and an employee, in a form of master and servant
>>>>>>>>>> relationship. The roots for such a test can be found in Yewens v
>>>>>>>>>> Noakes, where Bramwell LJ stated that:
>>>>>>>>>> "...a servant is a person who is subject to the command of his
>>>>>>>>>> master as to the manner in which he shall do his work."
>>>>>>>>>> The control test effectively imposed liability where an employer
>>>>>>>>>> dictated both what work was to be done, and how it was to be done.
>>>>>>>>>> This is aptly suited for situations where precise instructions are
>>>>>>>>>> given by an employer; it can clearly be seen that the employer is the
>>>>>>>>>> causal link for any harm which follows. If on the other hand an
>>>>>>>>>> employer does not determine how an act should be carried out, then the
>>>>>>>>>> relationship would instead be one of employer and independent
>>>>>>>>>> contractor. This distinction was explained by Slesser LJ:
>>>>>>>>>> "It is well established as a general rule of English law that an
>>>>>>>>>> employer is not liable for the acts of his independent contractor in
>>>>>>>>>> the same way as he is for the acts of his servants or agents, even
>>>>>>>>>> though these acts are done in carrying out the work for his benefit
>>>>>>>>>> under the contract. The determination whether the actual wrongdoer is
>>>>>>>>>> a servant or agent on the one hand or an independent contractor on the
>>>>>>>>>> other depends on whether or not the employer not only determines what
>>>>>>>>>> is to be done, but retains the control of the actual performance, in
>>>>>>>>>> which case the doer is a servant or agent; but if the employer, while
>>>>>>>>>> prescribing the work to be done, leaves the manner of doing it to the
>>>>>>>>>> control of the doer, the latter is an independent contractor."]
>>>>>>>>>> Unlike the meat eater who demands the death of animals for his food,
>>>>>>>>>> vegans do not command their employers to kill animals during the
>>>>>>>>>> production of their vegetables. The farmers they employ are not their
>>>>>>>>>> agents or servants subject to their commands as to the manner in which
>>>>>>>>>> they shall do their work. The relationship between the farmer and the
>>>>>>>>>> consumer is merely one of employer and independent contractor. Unlike
>>>>>>>>>> the vegan, meat eaters cannot escape criticism for the deaths accrued
>>>>>>>>>> during the production of their food, and trying to foist liability for
>>>>>>>>>> collateral deaths accrued during vegetable production onto vegans to
>>>>>>>>>> head off that criticism is a dishonest tactic long made plain by me
>>>>>>>>>> many years ago here on these animal-related forums.
>>>>>>>>>> __________________________________________________ ___
>>>>>>>>> Exactly right, Glen. There's no reason to believe every morsel of
>>>>>>>>> food you eat has a history of animal death behind it,
>>>>>>>> Vegetables generally have that history.
>>>>>>> No, I don't believe that.
>>>> It's true all the same.
>>> No, I don't believe it is. If you want to support your claim you're
>>> going to have to provide irrefutable evidence, not guesswork.
>>>>>>>>> and there's
>>>>>>>>> absolutely no reason to believe you can be held morally responsible
>>>>>>>>> for the deaths that may occur,
>>>>>>>> Absolutely wrong, Derek.
>>>>>>> I'm sorry, but I'm going to go along with the well-established
>>>>>>> rule of English law that dictates,
>>>>>>> "It is well established as a general rule of English law that an
>>>>>>> employer is not liable for the acts of his independent contractor in
>>>>>>> the same way as he is for the acts of his servants or agents, even
>>>>>>> though these acts are done in carrying out the work for his benefit
>>>>>>> under the contract...."
>>>>>> As noted when you first tried that gambit, that addresses a narrower
>>>>>> *legal* liability; we're talking about moral responsibility.
>>>>> No, it addresses both.
>>>> It doesn't.
>>> It does.

>> It doesn't.

> Then it should be easy for you to identify the caveat given
> in the above which excludes moral responsibility. I can't
> see it because it isn't there.
>>>>> [Assigning vicarious responsibility
>>>>> How to Cite
>>>>> Shultz, T. R., Jaggi, C. and Schleifer, M. (1987), Assigning vicarious
>>>>> responsibility. European Journal of Social Psychology, 17: 377–380.
>>>>> doi: 10.1002/ejsp.2420170314
>>>>> Abstract
>>>>> An experiment tested three hypotheses about the conditions under which
>>>>> someone can be held vicariously responsible [snip remaining blabber]
>>> No, it's not blabber.

>> It's blabber.

> You cannot ignore as blabber the proper meaning of vicarious
> responsibility given by the European Journal of Social Psychology
> and a well established general rule of English law to then insist I
> and everyone must accept your vague definition of it as the correct
> one. I know how important it is to you to foist vicarious responsibility
> onto vegans for things they aren't responsible, but there comes a time
> when you have no option but to concede that you are very wrong on
> this issue in light of the irrefutable evidence against you.
>>>> So, you believe that consumers are under no obligation not to buy goods
>>>> made by slave labor or by workers suffering other severe human rights
>>>> abuses in countries like China.
>>> No, I do not. I have the latest iPad and many other items bought
>>> from China. I also have diamonds which most likely help fund
>>> atrocities in Africa. Do you own any of these items?

>> No.

> Righto ;-)
>>>> You also just got all omnivores off the hook for their meat consumption,
>>>> because they bear *exactly* the same relationship to the meat producers
>>>> that vegetable consumers bear to the crop farmers. Thanks!
>>> No, I did not. If you go over what you snipped away you'll find
>>> that I covered all that.

>> No, you didn't.

> Yeah I did.
> <restore>
> Meat eaters demand animals be killed in order to eat them.
> The farmers they employ are subject to their command as
> to the manner in which they shall do their work when
> producing meat.
> Unlike the meat eater, the farmers [Glen] employs are
> not subject to his command as to the manner in which
> they shall do their work when producing his vegetables. His
> independent contractor kills animals against his will while
> producing his vegetables.
> <end restore>
>> It is not in dispute that omnivores' relationship to
>> meat producers is identical in terms of degree of control and degree of
>> "superiority", whatever that's supposed to mean, as "vegans'"
>> relationship with crop producers.

> No, it is in dispute. See above.


I emailed you late night. Check your junk mail folder.
Regards Glen.