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Pandora[_2_] Pandora[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 282
Default Pizza Magic alla Pandora (for pizza lovers)

On 30 Dic, 17:52, wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Dec 2011 13:07:10 -0800, Serene Vannoy
> > wrote:
> >On 12/29/2011 10:19 AM, Pandora wrote:
> >> Here is my tested recipe. Crisp and soft in the same time, and you can
> >> make many types in advance. Try it!

> >I will! I had so much luck with your angel's breads that I'm always
> >happy to try your recipes!

> >Serene

> I'm trying to find her pizza recipe and can't. Could you please
> re-post it for me
> koko

Well. I repost recipe with 150 ml correct:


Category: Pizza
Yield: 2 servings
Preparation time: 20'
Source: Pandora

(Quantities for 2 baking tin – 32 cm diameter)
300 gr. Flour 0
150 ml Water
1tbs salt
1 tbs sugar
7 gr. Dry yeast
250 gr. Tomatoe sauce
1 pinch Oregano
200gr. Mozzarella and fontina
2 slices Cooked ham
1 onion - sliced
1 TBS oli - EVO

Make the fountain with the flour. In the middle put yeast and sugar.
Add oil and water few at a time. Knead till the dough is perfectly
smooth (about 10’); if it is too much sticky add some other flour.
Make 2 balls and with a knife impress a cross over them. Let them rise
(covered with a damped kitchen towel) for half an hour. When is the
time, take 1 ball and, with a rolling pin, roll out the dough at about
3 mm. thickness (think it will rise again more then double. Oil the
baking pin and put inside the dough just made. Season with tomatoes,
sliced onions oregano and some oil. Repeat with the other ball. Let
rise again (in cool ambient) for about 2 hours. When is time, you can
put your pizzas (one at a time)in the preheated (200°) oven. Add
sliced ham and over it, minced mozzarella and fontina ( just 5-7 ‘
before the end of cooking, otherwise you burn cheese). This is a
recipe for making “pizza alla Valdostana”, but you can season your
magic Pizza as you want. The important is you add heavy ingredients
(such as olives) after 2 hours. In this way your pizza can easily
rise. It’s very important to use a 32 cm. baking pin because doses are
exact for making a right thickness and consistence.

Nutritional facts per serving (daily value): Calories 357.756kcal;
Protein 24.19g (48%); Total Fat 22.671g (35%)(Sat. 13.21g (66%));
Chol. 79mg (26%); Carb. 15.068g (5%); Fiber 1.877g (8%); Sugars
9.649g; Calcium 523.173mg (52%); Iron 0.665mg (4%); Sodium 4169.936mg
(174%); Vit. C 4.081mg (7%); Vit. A 677.1IU (14%); Trans fat 0g

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