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Storrmmee Storrmmee is offline
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Default Do you have a Christmas Menu?

type OOO i meant inadept, or unadept, lol, Lee
"Storrmmee" > wrote in message
> whew!!! i am so mechanically adept it boggles most people, good you got it
> done, Lee
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Storrmmee" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>>i lived, lol, Lee

>> Well... I am surprised that I survived this day!
>> Some time ago we went into a new pet store in Edmonds and they had these
>> really nice cat scratching posts made of driftwood. Angela wanted to get
>> one for Ballerina and Jazzy but I didn't have the money then. I kept
>> putting it off. We were going to get one last week while at my parent's
>> house. They live in Edmonds but at the other end of the city from this
>> place. But then Angela was invited to a Bunco party that night so we
>> didn't have time to go there. I said we would go there today. But
>> then...
>> I decided to assemble the towel holder that I ordered some time ago. I
>> do not have a proper linen closet. The person that designed this house
>> during the remodel was nuts. I have these two weird cupboards in my room
>> that aren't very useful for much of anything. I just use the lower one
>> for greeting cards (I always keep a supply onhand for those times when I
>> need one quickly) and presents for upcoming occasions. It's not big
>> enough to hold all of the Christmas presents this year. I didn't really
>> get large gifts but they won't all fit. It does hold the surprise ball.
>> So picture if you will something a little larger than a basketball.
>> That's how stupidly small the one cupboard is.
>> The cupboard above it will hold some linens but it isn't nearly big
>> enough for all our sheets, towels and extra blankets. Currently I only
>> have washcloths and hand towels in there. That's all that will fit! The
>> bath towels have been residing in a laundry basket and I am sick of that.
>> So I ordered a towel holder online. I waited and waited, only to have my
>> order cancelled. I then searched high and low for another one. Seems
>> they are not a common item. I found a nice, super expensive one but
>> couldn't afford it. Eventually found another one that was only a little
>> more than I had intended to pay for the first one.
>> The problem? They didn't give me any screws or nuts in the package. The
>> thing is made in China and I can't even remember now who I ordered it
>> from. I didn't want to wait the weeks it would take to find these people
>> and try to get screws and nuts from them. So that meant a trip to the
>> hardware store as well. Would have been fine but...
>> The only hardware store that was in Edmonds is no longer. According to
>> what I read online, their floor couldn't hold the weight and they were
>> evacuating after selling their stock at a 20% discount.
>> So that meant coming back out here. Either to Lowes in Mill Creek or Ace
>> in Everett. I opted for Ace because it is a much smaller store with
>> perhaps not better but quicker customer service and free popcorn!
>> Took us twice as long as normal to get to the pet store because of
>> traffic. But we did get to pet a nice huge tabby. Found the exact
>> scratching post I wanted. I had a dream about it the other night.
>> Angela liked it too. Paid for it. Picked it up and then knocked myself
>> in the head with it. Saw some stars. Angela said she would take it.
>> She fared well until she got to the door where she whacked it on the door
>> frame. But it survived.
>> Started to drive back out this way. Traffic was just creeping! Start
>> and stop. Mainly stop. Our tummies began to rumble and my foot began to
>> cramp. I just kept thinking of the free popcorn. And the bathroom. They
>> have one in there.
>> Well by the time we got there they had cleaned the popcorn machine out
>> for the day. I should have demanded some because there is a sign
>> boasting of its freeness. They did have free coffee and water.
>> Used the bathroom then meandered around the screw aisle in a dither.
>> Angela actually found what were the correct screws but I couldn't figure
>> it out. Got a guy to help me. Turns out I would have needed him anyway
>> because he had to bag and label the items for me. Wasn't able to use my
>> $10 off coupon because I couldn't find anything else that we needed. Had
>> to spend $50 to get the discount. But I did get my military discount.
>> Angela was mad because she wanted food. I said I would buy her something
>> if they had it, but not candy. They had a little bit of food that wasn't
>> candy but she was either allergic or not interested. They did have a can
>> of asparagus soup that was self heating. Also tomato soup. They were
>> $3.00. I didn't look to see if she was allergic but she immediately
>> turned up her nose so I didn't. But I was rather interested to see how
>> they heated up.
>> On to the grocery store for a few quick things then home for a quick
>> dinner. Then to assemble the towel holder.
>> This thing is made of metal and has decorative leaves in it. I can't
>> tell you how many times I klonked myself on the foot or the head with
>> this thing. Or how many times the leaves scraped my fingers. I tried to
>> assemble it in my computer chair. Then I realized there was no way I
>> could do that. It needed to be flat on the floor. Or so I thought.
>> There were three posts that went up the back. I would put them in.
>> Ballerina would take them out. Then Jazzy became interested and she too
>> wanted to "help" me. I finally had to call for Angela. I disliked
>> having to do this because she isn't the most willing participant when it
>> comes to helping assemble things. But I realized it was humanly
>> impossible to have assembled this thing alone. Perhaps an octopus could
>> have done it. But they don't have fingers to grip the screwdriver.
>> But it's finally done and in the bathroom. Now I just have to finish the
>> laundry so I can put the towels in. It had gotten to where I was washing
>> towels pretty much on an as needed basis because I didn't want to deal
>> with them!
