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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default A new vodka I just tried

Tommy Joe > wrote:

>I'm 64 and have been drinking beer since my late teens. About a
>year ago I started getting sick after only a few, a vague sort of
>nausea mixed with a vague feeling of needing to take a crap but not
>being able to do either. I experimented a bit by trying different
>brands and even trying different stores thinking it might be old
>beer. Nothing worked. My last effort resulted in the same vague
>disgusting feeling coming on after only one beer. So I switched to
>vodka for good. I don't get the same feeling from vodka as I do from
>beer. Maybe it's the volume. Maybe it's the carbonation. Maybe it's
>some ingredient I'm suddenly allergic to. Or maybe it's creeping
>cancer of the pancreas or liver or some other growth slowing the flow
>of the heady brew through my system.

Well it would seem to me vodka (good ones, anyway) have very few
cogeners (that is, non-ethanol low-molecular weight compounds such
as aldehydes, ketones, or other alcohols), whereas perhaps some cogener
common to beer is no longer being metabolized correctly by your system.
Could be a warning sign to slow down just a bit.
