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Default Alcohol shrinks brain & no stroke benefits

Something that is interesting about the science and medical field
especially in the academic departments is the publish or perish clause.
Many things that are published is just to "save their job" and are
really useless. Any study that been done with such few MRI tests is
purly usless,there are not enough data points to make any claim. Enjoy
your brews is my view.\\
>>Alcohol shrinks brain & no stroke benefits
>>An interesting study found that low to moderate drinking may cause a
>>loss of brain tissue in middle-age people. The researchers also found
>>that such alcohol consumption does not lower the risk of a stroke,
>>contradicting findings from previous studies:
>>So much for my daily glass of wine. :-(
>>-- Sydney

> " Ding said researchers cannot make a definitive cause-and-effect link
> between drinking and brain atrophy because the MRIs were done only
> once during the study and because they found only a small reduction in
> tissue."
> Clink!