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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Swedish Hospital Cherry Hill Food

"Storrmmee" > wrote in message
>i meant exactly what i said, focus is you make it a home and you think it
>is an investment... i just had a very modest home burn we paid 35k for that
>one, the replacement should end up being around 150k and is a bit smaller..
> as to the difference in focus, a house is a place to sleep and get clean
> and store stuff... my home is wherever dh happens to be and has no
> relation to a particular structure/location... housing is not an
> investment to me, it only costs money, the only thing we consider
> investments are things that generate income. IE
> just as i said a difference in focus, please don't take offense at a
> perceived judgement that did not occur... Lee

I don't consider our house an investment either. We bought it so late in
life. We bought it when the price was high. Not the highest but close to
it. And now the price is worth less than what we paid. Houses are just not
selling in this neighborhood any more. Yes the new houses are selling. But
not the older ones.