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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 46,524
Default Tonight's dinner.

"Ozgirl" > wrote in message
> "Cheri" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Ozgirl" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "KROM" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> you guys have Kentucky fried chicken there in roo land..if you ever had
>>>> one of their biscuits..that's what you'd eat the gravy on.
>>>> mmmmm...kfc biscuits...
>>>> I miss those and the coleslaw
>>>> the chicken..not so much...
>>>> I worked there for a year as a kid and knowing what was behind the
>>>> curtain would only eat the biscuits/gravy/nuggets...the rest I never
>>>> ate
>>>> as the whackadoo mel gibson once said their green chicken is
>>>> disgusting..
>>>> KROM
>>> Hehe, we don't have the biscuits and the chicken here is fine, for
>>> takeaway stuff.
>>> The coleslaw used to be wonderful, now it is made too far ahead and
>>> comes with the peel off foil lids. The bean salad what what I lived for
>>> there and alas it is no more ;(

>> Once, many, many years ago, my brothers brought a bucket to a function
>> and there were maggots in the bottom. Probably in the container itself,
>> but I never liked KFC chicken after that at all. :-)

> The sad thing is that perhaps they were spraying flies back then and one
> blow fly managed to drop its maggots as it died. My son used to work for a
> large Maccas on a busy freeway. It was tucked in off the road amongst
> dense bushland and rats gravitated towards it. They find it extremely hard
> to keep rats out as it is a 24/7 never shut the doors establishment. It
> was publicly named and shamed on the Health Dept website which was a shame
> as I knew the lengths they went to keep them out and the cleanliness
> levels they adhered to. They had a rat patrol set up like toilet cleaning
> roster. Toilets were cleaned every hour and store room checked every hour
> round the clock. The store room was the only place they ever went into as
> their was no regular human traffic and never did they chew threw any
> containers, never had the chance. But once you get the name and shame
> nothing will convince people otherwise.

When I worked at K Mart we had a serious problem with rats and roaches. The
problem? We had a suspended ceiling that fed into the other businesses in
the strip mall we were in. So while we took precautions, the other
businesses did not and their vermin got into our place.

Currently I am having a problem with my neighbor who hasn't mowed his lawn
in over a year. Normally he does it only once a year on July 3rd. But he
didn't this year. I did see online that a house on this block has been
foreclosed on and while it doesn't give the address, it does appear from the
description to be his. He took it from a tiny house up to a big one then
ran out of money to finish it. And it looks it! I think he may have been
depressed or something. I always thought he was very good looking but then
last year he didn't cut his hair and grew a beard that hung almost to the
ground. He looked awful. He has since shaved although I haven't seen him
in many months. Normally he comes over here on the 4th but he didn't this
year. I was worried because his truck hadn't moved for many days. But
since then I have seen it has moved at least twice. Still haven't seen him

Anyway... Terminix said all of the bait was eaten from our rat and mouse
traps but no bodies were inside. So I think they are living in his grass.
Angela is now 5'6". His grass was taller than she was but then a heavy rain
knocked it over. It is since starting to pop back up. It is very dry and I
think it is not only a fire hazard but a breeding ground for vermin. But my
dad said the city probably won't do anything about it because there are just
sooo many houses in the same state. Because of the economy, people are just
abandoning their houses and nothing is being done to them.