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Arri London Arri London is offline
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Default Circumventing brown sugar

notbob wrote:
> I'm getting damn tired of buying brown sugar and having it turn to
> granite in 2 mos. Even un-opened pkgs are not immune. So, what's an
> alternative? If brown sugar is sugar with some molasses still in it,
> howzabout using molasses to recreate brown sugar by adding it to white
> sugar. It all gets melted in the mix, right. I always have some
> blackstrap around.
> nb --tired of tossing BS brown sugar

But some cheap simple terra cotta pots (or very tiny ones meant for
crafts). Wash with soap and water, rinse extremely well with clean
water. Break the pots into large shards; leave the tiny ones whole. Soak
in clean cold water, wipe off the drips and put a shard (or the whole
tiny pot) into the container with the sugar. Soak the shard(s) every
couple of weeks. No lumps in the sugar.
Anyway why toss the hardened sugar? Warm it in the microwave just prior
to use.