Thread: Expire
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Default Expire

Hoo wrote:

> Hi,
> Does beer expire....

Expire? You mean, like your driver's license or credit card?

Many beers, including the vaste majority of beer sold, get old and stale
rather fast- 3-6 months is the limit for "light lagers"- these beers are
meant to be consumed as fresh as possible.

Some brewers put a date on their beers. Like many food items, it's
often a "Best by" date, which implies it's still drinkable AFTER that
date, "just not as good" (to quote Randy Newman). It'll never get to the
point where it will kill you. Sometimes they put a date when it was
packaged and it's up to the consumer to decide if they want to drink/buy
it. Other times, the date is hidden by a date code, and is for the
retailer/distributors (who ignore it, generally) rather than the consumer.

like Heineken

Oh, geez, Heineken expires about 30 minutes after light hits that
f*ckin' green bottle but Heineken drinkers get used to it and think it's
SUPPOSED to be skunky.

....all this
