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Space Cowboy Space Cowboy is offline
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Default the first step of Pu erh Tea

Collecting is nothing more than I have something you want to buy.
What determines that in every market is different. The three general
factors for puer are age, storage, and terroir. The fourth and most
important is serendipity which is the aggregate of the first three.
It is a term I coined. I think the general concensus on the puer
forms like TeaChat and Badger/Blade there are too many variables in
light of the recent puer bubble collapse to sustain a collectors
market. I just finished Dragon Sea by Frank Pope on the Vietnamese
porcelain antiquities salvage of the HoiAn off their coast. That is
the only known Vietnamese porcelain from the mid 1500s in the world.
After the disappointing auction sale the salvage investors declared
bankruptcy. 3 museums were established in Vietnam to house the
collection from the governments alloted share of the salvage.
