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Serene Vannoy Serene Vannoy is offline
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Default Sprouts

notbob wrote:
> How do you do 'em?

Easy peasy. My favorites are lentils, but I've sprouted just about every
seed you can think of.

1) Take the seeds (make sure they're not sprayed -- either buy 'em in a
food store, or choose organic in the seed store) and put them in a mason
jar with, in place of the normal canning rig, either cheesecloth, clean
pantyhose, or thin cloth on top (or you can buy one of those green
plastic mesh lids that replaces the whole canning lid, but I don't
bother). (I use a tablespoon of small seeds like alfalfa, and up to 1/4
cup of big ones like garbanzos. Somewhere in between for lentils, etc.)

2) Rinse the seeds and drain out all the water, but leave the seeds wet.
I just put the jar kinda-upside-down in a bowl on the counter. That way,
I remember to rinse them twice a day.

3) Rinse and drain them twice a day. After rinsing, I kinda move the
jar around until a lot of the seeds/sprouts are adhering to the sides of
the jar, so they have plenty of room.

4) In a few days, you have sprouts. If they have big hulls, you can
rinse those off before storing.

There's a decent primer at


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