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Evelyn Evelyn is offline
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Posts: 894
Default New Year's black Eyed Peas

"Susan" > wrote in message
> Evelyn wrote:
>> "Ozgirl" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Do you live in the mountains or something?

>> Yes. I don't know if you have ever heard of the Catskill mountains in
>> NY state. I am in Woodstock. That is THE Woodstock of the rock
>> festival fame. But it is a beautiful place, and the three months of
>> winter are worth the beauty of the rest of the year....... I think.

> It is the Woodstock NEAR Bethel, where the concert actually was, though,
> right?
> Lots of hippie regalia and paraphernalia for sale in Woodstock. :-)
> Susan

No, it is the actual town of Woodstock where the promoters of the Bethel
festival (in Sullivan County) came from. They originally planned to have
it here, but the Bethel location was able to accommodate more people. They
did have a second Woodstock festival that was actually held around here a
few years ago. This is a hippie town, but interestingly enough it
consists of several "cultures" in one. There are the old timers, farmers
and country folks who originally settled here and lived here from way back,
then the hippie and art people who gave the village its fame, and then there
are the buddhist monasteries, Zen and Tibetan. So there are the "regular"
folks, and the artistic types from NYC who come here to vacation, and the
spiritual people. I have links to all three. My fathers grandmother
was actually from here, I am an artist, and thirdly a buddhist. So
although I am not nor was I ever a hippie, I have good reasons to be here
and feel I have found my home! We really love it here. But the ice and
snow are a bit over the top this year. Usually we might get this much over
the course of an entire winter, as we have gotten in one month.
Best Regards,

Rest in a sky-like mind.
Sit like a mountain floating on the earth.
Breathe like the wind circling the world