Thread: Costco Meat
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Dimitri Dimitri is offline
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Default Costco Meat

"Terry Pulliam Burd" > wrote in message
> Our traditional Christmas dinner is prime rib with Yorkshire pudding
> (the DH, who is generally entirely clueless in the kitchen, has become
> something of an idiot savant when it comes to Yorkshire pudding - his
> puds turn out brilliantly) and we generally order 2 rib roasts from
> Gelson's (an upscale SoCal market) b/c they've always delivered top
> notch meat and I won't scrimp on a Big Dinner such as this. The DH
> either read or heard about Costco's meat, which is supposed to be top
> notch, too. He wants to order our roasts from Costco, selecting the
> prime 4+ pounders, but not having tried their meat dept. wonder if
> anyone can weigh in on the quality of their meat. Their roasts aren't
> *that* darned much less, running about $75 per roast, but he'd like to
> give it a try. I have reservations about *anything* edible from Costco
> that doesn't live in a freezer, as I've seen mice scurrying from
> pallet to pallet during *daylight* and shudder to think what surfaces
> might be contaminated by the little buggers.
> What say you?
> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd

Overall, I have found Costco beef to be USDA Choice and well marbled as
well as well trimmed.

Generally they are a good value. especially if you are a Costco Business
customer and have access to their meat by the case.

I have never had a problem.

By the same token Gelsons has always had high standards.
