Thread: Grocery stores
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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Default Grocery stores

> I guess I don't get it either. There is a little deli in my town that
> makes great fresh subs using buns from the Italian bakery that is one town
> over. They use quality meats and the price is probably 25% less than the
> big box chains like subway. I mention the place whenever I get a chance
> and I get reactions such as "the bun was crispy so it must have been old"
> or even more important when food quality is concerned "they don't have a
> touch screen display where I can place my order"

People who don't know food and when presented with it think it is too strong
tasting. While there ae people working in those factories, I am hping as
things get tight more and more will be forced to seek out the small spot
with the real food. I think 2-3 people in millions of places beats a few
hundred each in 25 places. I hope.